There are 2024 articles

  • The audacity of faith

    The prayer has never been this hard Libraries are like studios. No sound goes unheard. No noise passes without someone looking up or, in this case, a librarian hissing and excitedly shushing the disturber of the peace, silencing the noise polluter. Nervously flitting and creeping about the bookshelves, I was endeavoring to be as quiet as such can.. More

  • Signs of heart disease

    There are numerous signs of a sickness of the heart. The first of them, is finding it difficult to live by the purpose of our creation, which is to know Allah, the Almighty, love Him, yearn to meet Him, turn to Him in repentance and to prefer doing all this to any other desire. Indeed, whoever gives precedence to his or her whims, over the love of,.. More

  • Contentment is a sign of wealth

    If people become content with the little they have, then there will be no poor or deprived persons among them. If a person is content with what Allah, the Almighty, has given him, he will be powerful and in no need of others, even if he does not possess a lot in this life. Imam Ash-Shafi‘ee, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said, “I knew.. More

  • Weakness and ineffectiveness

    A Muslim is commanded to pursue available means of attaining power and to abandon weakness and ineffectiveness. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, explained that "a strong believer is better and dearer to Allaah than a weak believer, and there is good in each one. Cherish that which gives you benefit, seek help from Allah and do.. More

  • Children and good behavior

    What is good behavior? Is it to help one's mother at home? Is it not to raise one's voice when speaking with her? Is it to help one's father with his work? Is it to be quiet and not disturb others? Is it to do homework on time? Is it one or all of these things? The situation differs from one home to another and from one family to another. This.. More

  • Helping the distressed

    Helping and supporting those in distress is a trait that is encouraged by Islam and a noble characteristic that is an implication of sincere brotherhood and chivalry. The life and manners of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, present the finest example for every aspect of our life, especially in helping and supporting those in need or.. More

  • Happiness Is in Obedience to Allah, Not in Sins

    Question I want to feel good most of the time and not rely on anyone. I do not have friends but would love to, and I do not have a boyfriend but would like to, and I do not have a sexy body but would like to, and I dream of taking my hijab off. None of my friends wear it, and they all have friends; they are all normal while I am not. Can I fast, pray,.. More

  • The company we choose to keep

    Times New Roman",serif">Allah has blessed me with many wonderful friendships throughout my life. Most have served as a comforting, healing balm that has pulled me through some of the more difficult times of my life. Others have created so much drama and turmoil that I couldn't cut them loose fast enough! I have friendships that have followed.. More

  • Importance of Time in the Life of the Muslim

    Everything, when lost, can be regained, except time. If it is lost, there is no hope to regain it. That is why time is the most precious thing that can ever be possessed in this life. Islam is a religion that acknowledges the importance of time and appreciates its seriousness. Allah Almighty says (what means): {Indeed, in the alternation of the night.. More

  • Hope – the Most Sublime Rank for the Followers

    In this article, we will talk about hoping for Allah's mercy. The believers’ relationship with their Lord is characterized both by fear and hope, such that the former deters them from sins and disobedience, whereas the latter drives them towards good deeds. Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: “Hoping for the reward of Allah.. More

  • The Pagan Origins of Halloween

    All Saints' Day, Nov. 1, feast of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, the day God is glorified for all his saints known and unknown. Roman Catholics are obliged to hear Mass on this day. In medieval England it was called All Hallows; hence the name Halloween (Hallows' eve) for the preceding day (Oct. 31). From the Compton's Family Encyclopedia,.. More

  • Imam Ash-Shafi'ee: The Grand Jurist for the Sunnah

    Everything was placid in the large valley except for the voice of a two-year old child who was weeping. His mother embraced him, took him close to her chest, and patted his shoulders with tenderness and compassion. The youngster quickly went into sleep as his mother stared at the far horizon saying in a low weakened voice : “may Allah have mercy.. More

  • Zakat (The Poor Due): Meaning, Ruling and Benefits

    The literal meaning of "Zakat" is purity. Its Islamic technical meaning designates the annual amount of wealth, food, property etc. which a Muslim with the adequate means must distribute among the rightful beneficiaries. Zakat is a remarkable institution and a major pillar of Islam. Allah, Almighty, Says (what means): "And establish.. More

  • Using food for cosmetic purposes

    Allah The Almighty has created man in the best shape and form; He says (what means): · {He Created the heavens and earth in truth and Formed you and perfected your forms; and to Him is the [final] destination.} [Quran 64:3] · {Who Created you, Proportioned you, and Balanced you?} [Quran 82:7] Allah The Exalted created everything in.. More

  • Directions on giving advice - II

    Manners of givingNaseeha (advice) · Seeking the Pleasure of Allah by giving Naseehah It is necessary that a person has the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah the Almighty when giving Naseehah. Only such an intention deserves reward from Allah and acceptance from His slaves. If the intention is other than that, then that person deserves.. More