There are 2024 articles

  • More than 465,000 killed in Syria, refugee group says

    More than 465,000 civilians have been killed in Syria’s six-year war, a refugee rights group said Saturday. Abdullah Resul Demir, deputy chairman of the International Refugee Rights Organization, said the fatalities had been caused during fighting or in prison. “The century’s most serious human rights violations have been going on.. More

  • How Israel occupies education in East Jerusalem

    The Zahwat al-Quds kindergarten and primary school's walls are decorated with colourful cartoons, while its students are dressed in grey-and-red striped uniforms. The children's wide smiles and laughter echo through the hallways, belying their lingering anxiety after a recent Israeli raid on the school. At the start of the school year, Israel began.. More

  • Knowledge and wisdom - provisions of the caller

    From the greatest favors of Allah and bounties upon a slave is to facilitate means and reasons by which he becomes one who carries out the mission of the religion and to be among those who strive and sacrifice all that is precious to them, to establish the laws of Allah on earth and in order for the Word of Allah to be supreme and uppermost and the.. More

  • Muhammad Ibn Al-Qasim: The Young Leader

    Al-Hajjaj Ibn Yoosuf At-Thaqafee, the ruler of Iraq was sitting in his court surrounded by his dignitaries and army commanders (chief of staffs). They were discussing the affairs of the state trying to find solutions to people's problems. One of Al-Hajjaj's men entered and whispered some words to him, so he stopped the conversation and said loudly:.. More

  • ‘Estrangement and the strangers’

    The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: "Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers." [Muslim] The meaning of ‘strange’ in the Hadeeth Many times in many situations the people that follow the religion of Allah feel a sense of not belonging,.. More

  • Seeking Knowledge

    It has become one of the sources of social pride and the characteristics of civilized families and high classes to send their daughters without a Mahram (non-marriageable male) to study in a foreign country. They imbue this act with a religious form and say that the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Seeking knowledge is an obligation.. More

  • Diligence is the Way to Success

    There are norms and laws in the universe that man is not permitted to contradict. Instead, he should abide by them so as to enjoy a good life and eternal happiness in the Hereafter. One such norm is that if one works hard, he will find results; if one exhausts oneself a little bit, he can enjoy a long rest. Indeed reaping noble benefits depends on experiencin.. More

  • A Call for Harmony and Cordiality Between the Spouses

    Marital happiness resembles the honey produced by two bees; the greater their efforts are, the sweeter it will be. There is ‎no doubt that marital happiness is the ‎responsibility of both spouses and this necessitates the existence of ‎love between them.‎ At the same time, we say that the happy house does not only depend on ‎love,.. More

  • Factors Affecting Physical Growth in Children

    There is no doubt that different aspects of the human personality are integrated and affect each other. They constitute a cohesive unit and cannot be separated except in the field of theoretical study. From the time a person is born until he fully grows up, the different elements of his formation interact and affect each other, sometimes evidently and.. More

  • The Explanation of Soorat Al-Bayyinah (Clear Evidence) - II

    The text of the chapter [from verse 6 to the end] 6. Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures. 7. Indeed, they who have believed and done righteous deeds — those are the best of creatures. 8. Their reward with Allah.. More

  • Rohingya return to Myanmar 'puts them in tiger's grasp'

    An agreement signed between Bangladesh and Myanmar concerning the voluntary repatriation of more than 600,000 Rohingya, exonerates Myanmar's security forces of any responsibility for their displacement, and places the persecuted minority in harm's way, according to a Bangladeshi opposition politician. Bangladesh's main opposition party criticized the.. More

  • The Prophet's Birthday - A Caution against Innovation - II

    Referring this issue back to the Book of Allah, we find it ordaining upon us to follow the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam in his commandments and warning us against whatever he prohibits. Furthermore it tells us that Allah has perfected the religion for the people. So, as long as Milad (birthdaycelebration) is not among the teachings.. More

  • History of the Sunnah – III: The era of the Companions and their followers

    As a part of our discussion of the Companions’, may Allaah be pleased with them, methodology in preserving the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, we mentioned thus far two of its aspects; namely, prudence in narrating the Hadeeth, and verification and substantiation of the Hadeeth before accepting it. Three more aspects are presented.. More

  • Entire Bedouin village faced with forced displacement

    An entire village consisting of dozens of Palestinian Bedouin families is threatened with imminent forced displacement, after Israel issued a rare evacuation order for the whole community. Jabal al-Baba, which lies to the east of Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank, is home to more than 300 people. "Residents are becoming paranoid of the future.. More

  • Troubled Relation with Sister-in-law

    Question Assalamu alaykum. First of all, thank you for your assistance. I would like to know about my rights regarding my sister-in-law. She has been living with us for a long time. From the beginning, she never helped me with the tasks, she comes and goes as she wishes, but she comes at lunch time with everything ready. She just does some things when.. More