There are 913 articles

  • Ramadan: A Great Opportunity to Achieve Taqwa - II

    … Continued Let us consider the holy month of Ramadan a starting point to pursue piety. Indeed, piety is the optimal clothing [of the soul]. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): • {…the clothing of piety - that is best.} [Quran 7:26] • {Indeed, the pious will be among gardens and rivers,* In a seat of honor near a Sovereign,.. More

  • Ramadan Contest!

    The season of glad tidings, which brings the greatest joy to the hearts of the believers is near. It brings the universal competition that starts with the first night in the month of Ramadan and ends with its last night. Get ready for the greatest opportunity and the most blessed season in the whole year. It is the great competition that was proclaimed.. More

  • Merits of Fasting

    Fasting is one of the greatest and most glorious acts of worship that draws one closer to Allah The Almighty. It is the practice of the righteous and pious, which purifies the soul and edifies one's moral character. It is the school of piety and the house of guidance. Whoever enters it with a true intention, following the example of the Prophet, sallallaahu.. More

  • I'tikaaf and the Positive Leap

    It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, “The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention), would observe I‘tikaaf every year (during Ramadan) for ten days; in the year in which he passed away, he observed I‘tikaaf for twenty days.” [Al-Bukhari].. More

  • In Ramadan: Why Do They Weep And I Do Not?

    One of the causes of prosperity and success in both religious and worldly affairs is to be honest with oneself, and not to seek false excuses until the time death strikes a person by surprise, and he feels regretful at a time when regrets will be of no profit to him. No doubt, the virtue of weeping out of fear of Allah The Almighty is great. It is.. More

  • If I Reach Ramadan, Allah Will See What I Do!

    He took his seat in the area prepared for the ‘Eed prayer, and started conversing with himself, recalling the memories of a whole month which had passed as quickly as if it were a day. He sat in grief and pain for the nights and days that had elapsed. What made him grieve even more was when he compared himself with those around him and realized.. More

  • I‘tikaaf and the Sweetness of Seclusion

    I‘tikaaf is an affirmed Sunnah and a virtuous example of prophetic guidance that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention), observed until his death as narrated by ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her. Some wives of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, observed I‘tikaaf after.. More

  • He Should Say: “I Am Fasting”

    Islam calls for good manners and encourages people to adopt them by making them a reason to enter Paradise. Although having good morals is recommended at all times, it is more stressed in Ramadan as fasting is one of the obligatory acts of worship. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • Fasting of the Traveler

    It is permissible for the traveling person not to fast in Ramadan and to make up for these missed days whether he is traveling before the month starts or embarks upon travel during the month. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number.. More

  • Ramadan in a Young Muslim’s Life

    How Parents Can Help Children Understand Fasting At a young age in our lives we are taught by teachers, parents, and elders how to live a good life following the guidance of Islam, its rules and principles. As children, we tend to listen to our elders and follow their example not really knowing the importance and benefit of each action we take. Unfortunate.. More

  • Ramadan: Balancing Spiritual Goals and Daily Responsibilities - II

    Strengthening Bonds Musaddigue Thange, 35, also hopes to bring more self-discipline and piety in his life through the fast of Ramadan. Breaking the fast with his family, while difficult at times is one of his priorities. "In my opinion, Ramadan is not only a personal spiritual endeavor but should also be an opportunity to get closer to one's.. More

  • Ramadan: Balancing Spiritual Goals and Daily Responsibilities - I

    A time for spiritual nourishment and self-introspection, Ramadan heralds a classic opportunity to draw closer to Allah The Most High and to bask in the many blessings that accompany the month. Commitments ranging from the recitation and study of the Quran to increased charity to regular Taraweeh attendance are commonly made to reap the rewards of the.. More

  • How to Avoid Slacking in Ramadan -III

    • Avoiding evil company and wasting time during Ramadan One should be especially careful in avoiding turning the nights of Ramadan into nights of entertainment and gatherings of sin, amusement, dancing, watching movies, listening to music and festivals during which excessive food is served, a little portion of which is eaten and the rest thrown.. More

  • How to Avoid Slacking in Ramadan -II

    • Teaching others if they are ignorant of certain Ramadan-related matters, and advising them if they err: Firstly, the woman’s prayer at home earns her more reward than her prayer in the mosque. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said to Umm Hameed, may Allah be pleased with her, when she expressed her desire to pray behind him:.. More

  • How to Avoid Slacking in Ramadan -I

    Ramadan is a special time during which the Muslims are encouraged to increase their performance of good deeds and acts of worship. Here are a few suggestions to prevent your zeal from weakening during this month: • Gathering for the night prayer This is an act of worship which is not legislated other than during the nights of Ramadan; it.. More