There are 913 articles

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - IV

    Abiding by the religious rulings regarding the relationship between men and women safeguards them from fornication and unlawful sexual intercourse. However, abiding by the religious rulings in the marital relationship according to the obligations of worship and I‘tikaaf (staying in seclusion) in Ramadan is the ultimate form of this commitment.. More

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - III

    The saying of Allah The Almighty (which means): {And to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you} affirms the significance of the context i.e. the life of this Ummah (Muslim nation) and its identity are closely related to the glorification of Allah The Almighty since the first moment of prophethood. {And your Lord glorify} meaning, to glorify.. More

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - II

    The value of the life of the Muslim individual was established through the ruling of legal retribution. Then the value of the Muslim individual himself was proved by means of testimony. Then came the verses of fasting in the same context, covering two basic aspects: the Muslim individual and the Ummah (Muslim nation). Allah The Almighty Says (what means):.. More

  • The Verses of Fasting and Contextualization - I

    The discourse of the verses of fasting starts with a general instruction to the Ummah (Muslim nation) to realize righteousness in its comprehensive meaning. This includes all the different good deeds that can be done to achieve the victory of goodness that can guarantee the survival of the Ummah and ensure its protection against destruction. Allah.. More

  • O Allah, Grant Us the Grace to Witness Ramadan

    Days pass, weeks come successively, months alternate -- and the month of goodness, blessings and mercy draws closer. This urges the believers to increasingly chant and repeat their immortal supplication, "O Allah, grant us the grace to witness Ramadan." It is the supplication which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, used to.. More

  • Making the Most of Ramadan - II

    The month of Ramadan is the month of great gains and profits. The wise trader is the one who makes the most of special occasions to increase his profits. So make the most of this month by increasing in your acts of worship, praying a great deal, reading the Quran, forgiving people, being kind to others and giving charity to the poor. In the month of.. More

  • Making the Most of Ramadan - I

    The days of Ramadan pass by very quickly, as if they were fleeting moments. We welcomed Ramadan last year and bade it farewell and we are welcoming Ramadan again after a short while, so we should hasten to do good deeds in this month and strive to fill it with all the deeds which Allah The Almighty is pleased with and with that the actions which will.. More

  • Make Ramadan Your Breakthrough to Victory ‎‎

    ‎‎‎‎Today our Ummah (nation) is experiencing one of the most critical periods it has ever encountered throughout its history. All the members of the Ummah must hasten and exert efforts to change the status quo and regain the status this Ummah is supposed to have among nations;‎‎ ‎‎as a leading nation not a follower; ‎‎a.. More

  • Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil during Ramadan

    Ramadan is a great month of good opportunities, blessings and blessed gifts from Allah The Almighty. During this month, people compete to do acts that bring them closer to Allah The Almighty and they hasten to all forms of obedience. One of the greatest acts of obedience that brings one closer to Allah The Almighty during this month is receiving a reward.. More

  • A Practical Program for the Family in Ramadan

    It is one of the blessings of Allah The Almighty upon the Muslims that He prescribed for them fasting the month of Ramadan. He made Ramadan an opportunity for the individual, family, and the whole society to seek perfection in faith, and improve their level of determination and morals to lead a happy life. In doing so, their hearts get closer to their.. More

  • The Secret of Fasting ‎‎‎- III

    Imitating angels‎ ‎Fasting is abandoning food, drink and sexual desire, so it entails becoming similar to angels and making the soul more elevated in a way that brings it closer to the state that Allah The Almighty created at first. When abandoning food, drink and sexual desire, one tightens the channels of the devil in the blood as fasting.. More

  • The Secret of Fasting - II

    No ostentation in fasting ‎ ‎…"except fasting. It is (exclusively) for Me and I (alone) will reward it." This is because no one can know that the person is fasting except Allah The Almighty, as fasting is fulfilled through intention and abandonment, unlike other acts of worship that are done by performing certain acts and movements.&.. More

  • The Secret of Fasting - I

    ‎‎Allah The Almighty legislated fasting as a mercy for His slaves as He is free of need and He provides them with sustenance.‎‎ ‎‎Allah The Almighty is the One who provided for people even before the creation and guarantees their sustenance whether they believe or disbelieve. ‎‎He never intended to expose them to difficulty.. More

  • Rulings on Fasting Children-II

    The ruling on the fasting of the child who has not attained puberty Q: What is the ruling on the fasting of the child who has not attained puberty? A: The fasting of the child, as we have already mentioned, is not obligatory on him. However, it is incumbent upon his parent to enjoin it upon him, in order to get accustomed to it. The fasting of the.. More

  • Rulings on Fasting Children-I

    This is a group of chosen Fatwas (religious rulings) given by scholars about the fasting of our beloved children. When should a child fast? Q: When should a child start fasting? At which age does it become obligatory for him to fast? A: A child is commanded to pray when he is seven years old, and should be lightly beaten for leaving it when he is.. More