There are 919 articles

  • Spending for the Sake of Allah

    A Muslim brother related the following story to me and asked me not to mention his name for fear of ostentation. It was actually his personal experience. He said: Once I was in need for money and I had only ten dinars remaining from the monthly salary, though it was the mid of the month. I kept on thinking how to get money but I did not find any solution... More

  • Cowards in Ramadan

    All perfect praise be to Allah The Almighty and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions and allies. Thereafter: These are not three, four or five cowards. Rather, they are much more because any Muslim who follows this path is a coward. They may defend themselves saying that they are powerful and strong because.. More

  • How did you prepare for Ramadan? - II

    My brother and sister: I do not think that you forgot to prepare the budget of the month of Ramadan for food and drink! Nevertheless, you may have forgotten to prepare the budget of righteous deeds, repentance, seeking forgiveness and supplication! My brother and sister: The budget of these acts means to possess a file named “Returning to Allah.. More

  • How did you prepare for Ramadan? - I

    All praise be to Allah Who Guided to goodness and Made His Book a guide for the people of faith. May peace and blessings be upon him whose Lord adorned with the Quran and gifted him with Laylatul-Qadr (i.e. the Night of Decree) in Ramadan, his family and Companions, who are the masters of all times, and those who follow them from among the people of.. More

  • Ten Steps to Continue Doing Good Deeds after Ramadan

    In Ramadan, I devoted myself to worshiping Allah The Almighty, performed more supererogatory acts of worship, enjoyed the sweetness of worship, recited many portions of the Noble Quran, did not neglect the congregational prayers, and stopped watching what Allah The Almighty has prohibited. However, after Ramadan I lost my dedication and enthusiasm.. More

  • Excellence of the Night of Al-Qadr (Decree)

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, We were to warn [mankind]. On that [night], is made distinct every precise matter.} [Quran 44:3-4] {Indeed, We sent the Qur'an down during the Night of Decree. In addition, what can make you know what the Night of Decree is? The Night of Decree.. More

  • Supplications are Answered during the Last Ten Days of Ramadan – I

    When someone has a particular need, he has to take recourse to those who can fulfill it. However, people’s needs, for which they have to seek out others, are endless – sometimes they succeed in fulfilling them and at other times they cannot. The ability of created beings is limited, yet many people fail to realize this, and are heedless.. More

  • Supplications are Answered during Ramadan’s Last Ten Days-III

    Allah is The Most Rich and The Most Generous Whatever one asks, Allah The Almighty gives him more. It was narrated on the authority of Abu Sa‘eed, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “‘No Muslim supplicates Allah with a supplication that contains neither sin nor severing kinship.. More

  • Supplications are Answered during Ramadan’s Last Ten Days-II

    The virtue of supplication Supplication is one of the greatest acts of worship; rather, it is worship itself as the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said because it implies the humiliation of beseeching and being in need of Allah The Almighty, which show the real aspects of servitude to Him. Therefore, it is the most honorable act.. More

  • O You Who Has Completed Ramadan - III

    The noble Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, used to persevere in whatever act of worship they did, as in the narration of ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, who said regarding the supplications after obligatory prayers, “Ever since the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, taught me these supplications, I never stopped saying.. More

  • O You Who Has Completed Ramadan - I

    With the conclusion of the blessed month of Ramadan, the Muslims ask Allah The Almighty to accept the righteous deeds they have performed in it and pledge to Him that they will continue the performance of good deeds and remain steadfast upon the path of righteousness. The Muslims also work hard not to break the bond that connects them with Allah The.. More

  • Reinforcing Family Ties in Ramadan

    Quran Session You can organize a daily session with your children throughout the holy month in which you can recite one part of the thirty parts of the Noble Quran. What can be better and more beneficial for Muslims than gathering to benefit themselves by pondering over the Noble Quran in these Quran sessions? Family Trip You can organize a daily.. More

  • Keep Up Your Zeal in Ramadan - II

    1. Remembering that there are many virtues for those who fast: These include rejoicing with one's fasting when he meets his Lord; entering through the special gate of Paradise called Ar-Rayyaan, which is designated for those who fast; the fact that the smell which emanates from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah The Almighty.. More

  • Keep Up Your Zeal in Ramadan - I

    It is not an unfamiliar phenomenon that one observes as people pass into the middle of Ramadan, when their fervour begins to wane and their eagerness and determination to perform acts of worship diminishes noticeably. Most people start Ramadan full of energy and enthusiasm, performing many virtuous deeds and feeling the sweetness of obedience and.. More

  • Valid Excuses For Not Fasting

    (the five major categories in brief) Valid excuses for not fulfilling the obligations for fasting fall under five major categories (aside from menstrual and postnatal bleeding). When one breaks one's fast with a valid excuse, he should simply make up the missed day, whereas breaking the fast without a valid excuse entails a penalty, such as fasting.. More