There are 918 articles

  • The valid intention of fasting

    Question In Ramadan, we performed the Taraaweeh prayer and bought our Sahoor (pre-dawn meal) and prepared it. Nevertheless, we slept and did not wake before dawn. Is that a valid intention, or is our fasting invalid? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that.. More

  • Validity of fasting after vomiting

    Question Someone vomited a little while performing Wudhoo' (ablution), when the Athaan (call to prayer) of Fajr was being pronounced; would his fasting during that day be valid? Fatwa All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, salallaahu alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • Those who must fast

    Fasting during Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. It is an obligation made by Allah and anyone who does not believe in its obligation is regarded as a disbeliever because he denies the Command of Allah and His Messenger, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, and goes against the consensus of Muslims. Almighty Allah Says (what means): “O you who.. More

  • Ramadan and the rules of fasting

    Living long enough to witness the month of Ramadan and to be able to fast in it is indeed a great bounty from Allah Almighty. Our righteous Salaf (predecessors), may Allah be pleased with them, used to supplicate to Allah during the six months prior to Ramadan to allow them to live long enough to reach it - and six months after it that Allah accept.. More

  • Does fasting become void by having a small cut?

    Question: Will my fast be void if I have a small cutin my chinin the morning? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. We ask Allah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions. The blood.. More

  • To the Spouses in Ramadan

    The month of Ramadan, with its special fragrance and beautiful meanings, comes to endow more brightness upon the marital life. It wipes out discord between the spouses and relieves them of the concerns and hardships of life, when their hearts draw close and they enjoy a high spiritual state. They emerge from this month with more love, affection and.. More

  • What does Ramadan mean to our children?

    What does Ramadan mean to our children? What wonderful benefits do our children get from Ramadan? Like sponges they may only be listening to the long list of "exciting" foods we are going to cook and whom we are going to invite. Sending greeting cards and e-mail invitations. Of course on the top of the list is "What am I going to.. More

  • The significance of fasting

    Fasting, is abstaining from eating, drinking and coitus from daybreak to sunset as a devotional ritual. Allah, the Almighty Says in the Noble Quran (what means): "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous." [Quran; 2:183] That is: that you may fear Allah, keep.. More

  • Ramadan the training

    The whole Ummah looks forward to the New Moon, To the new month, to the new month of Ramadan. Allah then clamps down on the devil; clamps down the massive chains, Locked airtight, for Shaytaan (Satan) they contain. Peace emanates from the black hearts and strips off the ink which soaks it, It permeates through the lungs as we breath, And makes.. More

  • Muslims in Ramadan: How they are and How they should be

    When one reflects on the situation of the Muslims nowadays, he will find that the characteristics of many of them are contrary to what a Muslim should possess. The follow is an attempt to highlight the bitter reality of many of the Muslims during Ramadan. For many Muslims, the act of worship has become a habit. Many of them pray habitually,.. More

  • Making the best of this Ramadan

    Manage your time. This is so essential in Ramadan. Prophet Muhammad's, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, advice in this regard, as stated in many Hadeeths, is unambiguous: Look at time as your life's capital and count any wasted part of it as a loss. Break up your days and nights into time for worship, time for handling worldly business, and time.. More

  • Spiritual & physical well-being through fasting

    Al-Bukhari, may Allah have mercy upon him, has reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Paradise has eight gates and one of them is Ar-Rayyaan through which none will enter but those who observe fating." As-Suyooti, may Allah have mercy upon him, has reported that Al-Haarith Ibn Kalda, may Allah have mercy.. More

  • Menses began while she is fasting

    Question: On behalf of my sister, I ask you concerning her period and fasting. Women are supposed to stop fasting during period. What about one who fasts on the same day and finds out just one hour or two away from breaking fast her period has already started on that day? I very much appreciate your response. Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah,.. More

  • Wife asking husband's permission to make up fasting

    Question: Salam Alaykom. I am currently in the process alhamdouillah of fasting for the last year's Ramadan I wasn't able to fast due to my period. I also have 60 days to fast due to being pregnant twice. My question is: I know I have to ask my husband if I want to fast and then he tells me ok, is he allowed to tell me not to fast a particular day,.. More

  • Relying on calculations to determine the beginning of Ramadan

    Question: Dear i have been in india for two months. so i do not know that much about that country. when i asked about Ramadan, i have been told it is on the 12th of Sep, it is alreadt determined, so my question is: do i have to follow that? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship.. More