There are 918 articles

  • Taking a Bath while Fasting

    It was narrated on the authority of ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, that she said, “Sometimes the Messenger of Allah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) would wake up in a state of Janaabah (ceremonial impurity) and then make Ghusl (ritual bath) and go to the mosque with his head dripping water, then he would fast that.. More

  • Fasting: A Pillar of Islam

    It was narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Islam was built upon five (pillars): testifying that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayers, giving Zakah, performing.. More

  • Stages of Making Fasting Obligatory

    It was narrated on the authority of Al-Baraa’, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, It was the custom among the Companions of Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that if any of them was fasting and food was presented (for breaking his fast), but he slept before eating, he would not eat that night and the following day till.. More

  • Woke up in Ramadan with dates between his teeth and found their taste in his palate

    Question: During the month of Ramadan, I ate dates a few minutes before the Athaan (call to prayer) of Fajr and then fell asleep. I woke up when the Iqaamah (immediate call to prayer) was being pronounced with a relatively large piece of date in my mouth. Its taste mixed strongly with my saliva and I felt it in my palate. Was my fasting valid on that.. More

  • Expiating fasts on behalf of a deceased person who died before completing Ramadan

    Question: My father died on 18th Ramadan while he was fasting and with 12 days remaining from the month. Is it incumbent upon me to make up for those 12 days on behalf of him? And in the case of it being so, then could I combine the intention of observing the six fasts of Shawwaal and the intention of making up for those days which my father did.. More

  • Does not know whether her menses started before or after sunset

    Question: During the month of Ramadan and after breaking her fast at sunset, a woman intended to perform ablution for Maghrib prayer but detected the commencement of menses in the form of a brown secretion which preceded blood flow. It seemed to her to have begun flowing a short while earlier. Should she make up for the fasting of that day, as she.. More

  • Fasting with the double intention of making up missed fasts and observing the six fasts of Shawwaal

    Question: I intended to observe the six fasts of Shawwaal, along with the intention to make up for some missed fasts. After fasting four days, I was informed that this double intention was not valid. So, should I repeat the makeup fasts? Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship.. More

  • Should he make up for one or two days of Ramadan?

    Question: On Ramadan 29, I traveled from my home country to a neighboring Arab country and did not fast on that day as it is permissible not to fast when travelling. The next day was the first day of ‘Eed in my home country, whereas in the destination country, it was the last day of the month of Ramadan.I did not fast on that day either... More

  • Observing the sixth fast of Shawwaal on the first of Thul-Qi'dah

    Question: I observed five out of the six fasts of Shawwaal in the month of Shawwaal. Unaware that the month of Thul-Qi'dah had begun, I observed the sixth fast on the first day of Thul-Qi'dah. Will that sixth fast count? In the same context, on one of the days I fasted in Shawwaal, I detected the blood of menstruation an hour after sunset, but I.. More

  • Her father died without making up for his missed days of fasting

    Question: A few days ago, I saw in a dream that the Day of Judgment had come and my family members including me were sitting inside our house. Each one of us started saying that the Day of Judgment had come and we started stating our sins or debts. However, my father was saying, “I missed two days of Ramadan.” I was saying, “I made.. More

  • Hasten to make up for the missed days of fasting before the advent of Ramadan

    Question: I missed one day of fasting last Ramadan, and I have not made up for it yet. Now, there are only fourteen days before the advent of Ramadan, and I want to know whether I am required to offer expiation in addition to making up for this day or not. Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is.. More

  • Combining fasting the six days of Shawwaal with fasting the 13th,14th and 15th of the lunar month

    Question: It is well-known that it is permissible to combine more than one intention of voluntary prayers in a single voluntary prayer, such as performing a two-Rak‘ah (unit) prayer with the multiple intention of it being the mosque-greeting prayer, the two rak’ahs for Wudhoo' (ablution)and the Sunnah of Fajr, etc. Is the same permissible.. More

  • The ruling on the woman forced to have sexual intercourse during the day of Ramadan

    Question: Last Ramadan, I was raped by a work colleague and the sanctity of this day was violated despite my best efforts. So, am I required to offer expiation or just make up for this day? Please advise. Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad,.. More

  • Validity of fasting after vomiting

    Question: Someone vomited a little while performing Wudhoo' (ablution), when the Athaan (call to prayer) of Fajr was being pronounced; would his fasting during that day be valid? Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi.. More

  • Feeling pleasure during the Istinjaa’ (cleansing the private part)

    Question: Does my feeling of pleasure during the Istinjaa’ (cleaning one’s private part after answering the call of nature) invalidate my fast? If I exaggerate in making Istinjaa’ because I enjoy it, would my fasting be invalid? Am I required to make up for the days of fasting when I did so? Answer: All perfect praise be to.. More