Knowing the reality of falsehood, and not being deceived by it:
Having qualities that help one remain steadfast:
The most important quality is perseverance, as the Prophet said: “Nobody was (ever) bestowed anything finer than perseverance.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
The finest and most superior level of perseverance is to practice it at the point when disaster strikes, or when one first hears of the bad news; this is when it should be applied and when it counts.
When the believers were afflicted with the defeat during the battle of Uhud, there was great shock, as they had expected to win due to Allah promising them victory; however, Allah wished to teach them a tough lesson; Allah Says what means: “Why [is it that] when a [single] disaster struck you [on the day of Uhud], although you had struck [the enemy in the battle of Badr] with one twice as great, you said: ‘From where is this?’ Say: ‘It is from yourselves [i.e. due to your sin]’…” [Quran 3: 165] What was it that they did to deserve defeat? The answer is that they disputed amongst themselves and did not strictly follow the instructions of the Prophet .
Receiving the advice of righteous and wise people:
One of the means of remaining steadfast when the Muslims are afflicted with trials is that Allah facilitates a righteous man to advise, remind and guide people. There are many examples of this throughout Islamic history.
When Imaam Ahmad refused to accept the fallacy that the Quran is one of the creations of Allah which would therefore eventually vanish, and was resolute in the view that the Quran is in fact one of the attributes of Allah and therefore eternal, he was imprisoned. The leader at the time was Al-Ma’moon, who swore by Allah to kill him with his own hands if he did not recant this view; but Allah had decreed good for this great scholar
and sent him assistance. When Imaam Abu Ja’far Al-Anbaari
heard of the news of his imprisonment, he travelled to him and visited him in his prison cell; he said: “O Ahmad! You are an example whom people look up to, so if you give in to this demand, then people will collectively follow your altered view, but if you refuse, then they will refrain. You are going to die at your prescribed time, regardless of whether the leader does not kill you, so fear Allah, remain steadfast and do not give in.” He
heard this and started weeping, and Allah helped him remain steadfast.
On another occasion, a wise Bedouin came to him and said: “O you! You are a respected figure amongst the people, so do not cause evil to them; if you give in to what the leader is demanding then everybody will follow you in what you say, and you will thus shoulder the burden of their sins on the Day of Resurrection. So, if you truly love Allah, then persevere; if you are killed, then it is Paradise that you will earn and if you are not killed, then you will live with dignity.” Imaam Ahmad later said: “This man’s words helped me remain steadfast.” Therefore, one should seek advice from wise and knowledgeable people and act upon it.
Thinking about the pleasures of Paradise, the punishment of Hell, and remembering death:
Paradise is the final stage of the believer’s journey and his eternal abode. People usually do not wish to make any sacrifice unless there is something in return that merits them going through hardships; thus, one who knows the reward finds it easy to exert the required effort because he is well aware of the fact that if he fails to persevere and remain steadfast, then he will lose out on a great reward.
The Prophet would remind his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, of Paradise in order to help them remain steadfast; an example of this is what he
would say to the family of Yaasir, may Allah be pleased with them, whenever he would pass by them whilst they were being tortured; he
would say: “Persevere O family of Yaasir! Your reward is Paradise.” [Al-Haakim]
He also used to address the Ansaar (i.e., the residents of Madeenah) saying: “You will face difficulties after my death, so persevere until you meet me at my fountain (in Paradise).” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
Furthermore, one who always reminds himself with death, and the fact that it could come at any moment, will not give in easily, nor will he allow himself to divert from the straight path. Therefore, by doing this, he helps himself to remain steadfast.
a. Wealth: Some people become stingy when Allah grants them wealth and thereby give in to their desires.
b. Position: This trial as well as the previously mentioned one can ruin a person's faith, as the Prophet informed us, saying: “Two hungry wolves sent into the midst of a flock of sheep are less destructive to the sheep than man’s covetousness for money and fame are to his religion.” [Ahmad]
c. Spouses and children: Allah Says what means: “…Indeed, among your wives and your children are enemies to you, so beware of them …” [Quran 64: 14]
d. Oppression and torture: When Khabbaab ibn Al-Aratt, may Allah be pleased with him, went to complain to the Messenger of Allah about the persecution inflicted upon the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, by the disbelievers, he found the Prophet
lying down in the shade of the Ka`bah, using his cloak as a pillow. He
said in response to the complaint: “Among those people who came before you, a man would be seized and held in a pit dug for him in the ground, and he would be sawn into two halves from (the top of) his head, and his flesh would be torn away from his bones with an iron comb; but in spite of this, he would not wean away from his faith.” [Al-Bukhari]
e. The Antichrist: This is the most dangerous of all trials as, the Prophet said: “O people! There is no trial, since Allah's creation of Aadam, which is worse than the trial of the antichrist.” [Ibn Maajah]
2. During Jihaad: One of the Great Major sins is for a Muslim to escape from the battlefield upon the confrontation of his enemies, this is why the Prophet repeated, whilst crying and digging in the soil during the battle of the Trench: “O Allah make steadfast our feet when we confront them (i.e. the enemies).” [Al-Bukhari]
3. Attempting to maintain one’s faith: Allah Says what means: “Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration.” [Quran 33: 23]
4. At the time of death: The disbelievers and disobedient are deprived from steadfastness during this grim moment and are unable to utter the two testimonies of faith, which is one of the signs for an evil end. People will die upon what they used to busy themselves with during their lifetimes. Some people’s faces may turn dark at the time of death, while others may emit a rotten stench, and so on - which are all signs of an evil end. Conversely, Allah enables the pious to remain steadfast and utter the two testimonies of faith at the time of their deaths; some of their faces may become radiant and illuminated, and they may emit a fragrant scent. It is such pious people about whom Allah Says what means: “Indeed, those who have said: ‘Our Lord is Allah’ and then remained on a right course— the angels will descend upon them, [saying]: ‘Do not fear and do not grieve but receive good tidings of Paradise, which you were promised.’” [Quran 41: 30]