Du‘aa’ has its due conditions and manners that should be observed, at the top of which is believing that only Allah The Exalted can answer supplications and that He is the only One who can bring good to the supplicant. One must invoke Allah The Exalted alone. Additionally, supplication should be performed sincerely and with an attentive heart. The Prophet
said: “Invoke Allah The Almighty while you are certain that your supplications would be answered, and know that Allah does not answer the Du‘aa’ of a heart which is inattentive and unmindful.”[At-Tirmithi]

Muslims should be persistent in their supplication by repeating it many times without hesitation and without being in a rush to receive an answer. It was reported that the Prophet
said: “Do not say, ‘O Allah, forgive me if You will, have mercy upon me if You will, provide me with sustenance if You will. Rather, be determined in asking, for Allah does whatever He wills and no one forces Him.” He,
, also said: “The supplication of every one of you will be granted as long as he does not show impatience and say, ‘I have supplicated to Allah but my supplication was not answered.’” [Al-Bukhari]

Furthermore, Muslims should seek the times when supplications are most likely to be granted such as the last third of the night, after performing obligatory prayers, between the Athaan (first call to prayer) and the Iqaamah (the immediate call to prayer) , the last hour before sunset on Friday, in Sujood (Prostration), during fasting, and traveling, … etc.
One should start his Du‘aa’ by invoking Allah The Almighty by His Names and Attributes, asking Him to confer His blessings upon the Prophet,
, and grant him peace, and then admitting his guilt and sins. Fadhaalah ibn ‘Ubayd, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated, “Once, while we were sitting with the Prophet,
a man entered the mosque and performed prayer and then said, ‘Allahumma’ghfir li warhamni [O Allah, forgive me for my sins and bestow your Mercy upon me].’ The Prophet
told him:‘You have been hasty in your Du‘aa’. When you have finished your prayer and sat down, you should first thank Allah The Exalted duly as He deserves, then ask Him to confer His blessings upon me and grant me peace, then supplicate to Him.’” [At-Tirmithi]

Furthermore, one should show his sincere submission and humbleness before Allah The Exalted during Du‘aa’, and insist in supplicating and beseeching Him. He should show his helplessness, weakness, and need before Allah The Exalted, and supplicate Him all the time - in times of need and distress and in times of comfort and satisfaction. Additionally, one should be in the state of purity during supplication, face the Qiblah (prayer direction), raise both hands up to the shoulders with palms open and facing up, and repeat his Du‘aa’ three times.
The Prophet,
, said: “When one of you wishes [i.e., supplicates] for something, he should wish for much, for it is his Lord that he is asking.”[At-Tabaraani] He also said: “Whoever wishes that Allah The Exalted answers his supplications in time of need and distress should beseech Allah in supplication more in times of prosperity and satisfaction.” [At-Tirmithi]

The Prophet,
, also said: “Allah Is Bashful and Generous; He does not turn away empty the hands of His servant when he raises them to Him.”[At-Tirmithi]

One should lower his voice while making Du‘aa’ as Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret, He likes not the aggressors.} [Quran 7:55]
Furthermore, theProphet,
, said: “Be easy on yourselves. You are not calling upon someone deaf or absent. You are calling upon One who is All-Seeing and All-Hearing. He is with you all the time.” [Al-Bukhari]

One should supplicate to Allah The Almighty using comprehensive words as much as possible, and using the reported supplications that are supported by evidence as they are more likely to be answered. The Prophet,
, said: “The supplication that Yoonus [Jonah] made while inside the belly of the whale was: ‘Laa Ilaaha illa anta subhanak inni kuntu min ath-thaalimeen [None has the right to be worshipped but You, Glorified are You. Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers].’ No Muslim shall recite it in his invocation except that Allah shall answer it.” [At-Tirmithi]

One should also avoid exaggeratedly rhymed supplications, embellished sentences and terms that might spoil his concentration while supplicating Allah The Almighty; what really counts is the sincerity of the worshipper's heart while invoking Allah The Almighty alone, believing that no one is truly worthy of worship but Allah and none is able to fulfill his needs and answer his supplication except Him. The Prophet,
, loved comprehensive supplications and left all others.

On the other hand, a Muslim should avoid doing what might cause his Du‘aa’ to be rejected. He should make sure that his provision is lawful, should not transgress when supplicating Allah, should ask Allah The Exalted only for what is good, and should not curse himself, his money, or his family. The Prophet,
, said: “Do not curse your own selves, your children, or your belongings lest your curse coincides with the time when Allah is about to confer upon you what you demand and thus your prayer may be readily answered.”

This was a brief account of some of the due manners, proper etiquettes, and conditions that Muslims should adhere to during supplication. So, my dear pilgrim, make sure that you seize these blessed and precious times in the Hajj season and supplicate to Allah The Exalted plentifully for yourself, your family, your parents, your children, and your Muslim brothers and sisters.
Indeed, the successful person is the one who follows in the footsteps of the Prophet,
, in supplicating and beseeching Allah The Exalted humbly while showing his helplessness, weakness, and need for his Lord, and performs his due rituals of worship with an attentive heart and a tongue that mentions Allah The Exalted duly.