· To express one's intention verbally when the pilgrim starts Tawaaf.
The correct manner is that the intention is made in the heart and there is no need to express it verbally.
· Circumambulating from within the Hijr (the semi-circular area adjacent to the Ka'bah).
This is a great mistake, because Tawaaf is not deemed valid unless it encompasses the entire Ka‘bah. One who circumambulates the Ka‘bah and leaves the Hijr has circumambulated some of the Ka‘bah, not all of it.
· Some pilgrims think that Tawaaf is invalid unless one touches the Black Stone. The correct view is that kissing the Stone is an act of Sunnah (tradition). It is not a condition for a valid Tawaaf. If the pilgrim cannot reach it unless he crowds with other people and harms them, it is obligatory in such a case to overlook touching and kissing the Black Stone and to just point to it from a distance.
· Touching the four corners of the Ka‘bah.
The established act in the Sunnah, however, is to touch the Black Stone and the Yamaani Corner of the Ka‘bah, not all the corners. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, refuted the action of Mu‘aawiyah, may Allah be pleased with him, when he touched the four corners of the Ka‘bah. Mu‘aawiyah, may Allah be pleased with him, argued saying, "There is nothing to be abandoned from the House." Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, responded, "There was a good example for you in the Messenger of Allah." Then Mu‘aawiyah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "You have spoken the truth."
· Kissing the Yamaani Corner or pointing to it from afar.
The Sunnah, however, is to touch it with one's hand if one is able to do so. Otherwise, he passes by it with neither kissing nor pointing.
· Doing Ramal (walking fast with making short steps) in all the rounds of Tawaaf.
The prescribed action is to do so only during the first three rounds of Tawaaf Al-Qudoom (circumambulation of arrival) and that for ‘Umrah.
· Women's crowding with men and vice versa in Tawaaf. Both men and women are required to avoid this.
· Some women may inadvertently reveal parts of their ‘Awrah (parts of the body that must be concealed) during Tawaaf, such as the neck, arms or chest. This makes them a source of temptation in a place where it is neither permissible nor suitable to attract attention and be looked at, except as worshiping and obedient women.
· Specifying a certain supplication for each round.
It is proved that the Prophet,
, supplicated only with the following: "Rabbana aatina fi addunya hasanatan wa fi al-aakhirati hasanatan waqina ‘Athaaba annar (Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of Fire)" [Quran 2: 201] between the Yamaani Corner and the Black Stone; otherwise, one supplicates with whatever he wants of the good of the two worlds. Ibn Taymiyyah
said, "In Tawaaf, there is no specific supplication that was narrated on the authority of the Prophet
whether by command, saying or teaching. Rather, it is prescribed to supplicate with other Sharee‘ah-approved supplications. Many people say a certain supplication under the Meezaab (the water drain on the roof of the Ka'bah), etc; this action has no evidence in Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation)."
· Raising the voice while supplicating in Tawaaf in a disruptive manner that removes Khushoo` (humbleness and solemnity) and confuses others who are performing Tawaaf.
· Some pilgrims gather around a leader who prompts them with the supplication. This is against the Sunnah (tradition), and poses a source of indirect harm and confusion for others who are performing Tawaaf.
· Standing at the Black Stone or in a place adjacent to it for a long period.
This causes others who are performing Tawaaf to miss the opportunity of touching the Stone. The Sunnah is that a pilgrim touches the Stone or points to it and then passes without stopping.
· Some pilgrims rub their bodies against the Ka‘bah as well as its covering seeking its blessing.
This is a mistake, because the Sharee‘ah-approved manner is to seek the blessing of the Ka‘bah by making Tawaaf seeking reward from Allah The Almighty. As for rubbing the body against the Ka‘bah's curtains, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, neither did so nor directed us to this.
· Some pilgrims put off the upper garment of Ihraam and only wear the lower one; although the lower sheet could be under the navel and therefore part of one's ‘Awrah is revealed. Such an action is prohibited.
· Rubbing the body against the Maqaam Ibraaheem, the Station of Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allah exalt his mention, and kissing it seeking its blessing.
This is a mistake, because the correct view is that such a place is neither rubbed against nor kissed as the Prophet,
, did not do so.
· Some pilgrims think that touching the Yamaani Corner and the Black Stone is for blessing, not an act of worship. This leads them to some actions disapproved in the Sharee‘ah actions, such as wiping the Stone or the Corner with a handkerchief or the end of the garment of Ihraam. Others press their children against the Stone seeking its blessing. The sound approach, however, is that such an action is done out of pure compliance with and obedience to the Prophet,
· Some pilgrims think that if one makes Tawaaf along with his child and he makes the intention on behalf of both of them, this is would not be enough for him.
The correct view, however, is that this Tawaaf is enough for both of them. That is because each one of them has intended Tawaaf or it has been intended on his behalf and a sound Tawaaf was made for both of them. Consequently, both the intention and Tawaaf will be enough for both of them.
· Some pilgrims end their Tawaaf a few steps before reaching the Black Stone.
This is incorrect, because one is required to be certain that he has completed the Tawaaf in its entirety. Abandoning part of the round renders it invalid.