Mistakes Related to Iftar (Breaking the Fast)

Mistakes Related to Iftar (Breaking the Fast)

The time of breaking the fast in Ramadan is the time in which the fasting person has lost much of his physical, intellectual, and emotional energy. This may cause some people to make some mistakes that are not convenient to the fasting person’s morals and the etiquette of fasting. Among these mistakes are the following points:

First: Delaying Iftar (breaking the fast) after its due time starts, an act which opposes the Sunnah, which urges us to hasten to break the fast when its prescribed time starts. It was related that the Prophet ( sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention )) said, “The people will remain on the right path as long as they hasten breaking the fast.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Second: Some fasting people do not break the fast until the muezzin finishes the call for prayer out of precaution. This is considered  a form of extravagance and exaggeration which Allah’s servant is not required to apply.

Third: Among the mistakes is that some fasting people do not repeat the call for prayer after the muezzin due to being preoccupied with breaking the fast. The Sunnah which should be followed by the fasting person and other Muslims is to repeat what the muezzin says, as it was related that the Prophet ( sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention )) said, “When you hear the call (to prayer), repeat what the muezzin pronounces.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The fasting person is not required to stop eating or drinking to repeat the call for prayer, but they may continue breaking the fast, as eating while repeating what the muezzin pronounces is not prohibited.

Fourth: Among the mistakes committed is that some fasting people are heedless of supplicating Allah upon breaking the fast although it is a time in which supplications are most likely to be answered. Allah’s servant who loses this opportunity is considered deprived and unfair to himself. The Prophet ( sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention )) said, “There are three types of supplications that will not be rejected: the supplication of the parent for his offspring, the supplication of the fasting person, and the supplication of the traveler.” (Reported by Ahmad and ranked as authentic by Al-Albani) When the Prophet ( sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention )) broke his fast, he used to say, “Thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is sure, if Allah wills.” (Reported by Abu Dawud)

Fifth: Among the mistakes committed is preparing a lot of varieties of food and drinks for Iftar without any need for it, an act which entails wastefulness, which Allah prohibits. In addition, eating and drinking too much causes a person to be too heavy to perform acts of worship and offer prayer humbly with the heart being submissively attuned to it, which is contrary to the main purpose of fasting.

Sixth: One of the mistakes committed by some fasting persons is doing some prohibited acts after breaking the fast, such as smoking and other evil acts. No doubt that fasting is a great opportunity to get rid of these evil habits and to train oneself to abandon them. The person who can abandon these bad habits during the daytime will be able to do the same at night, if he is characterized by patience and determination. Accordingly, by the end of Ramadan, he will be accustomed to avoiding these habits and can easily continue to do what he has started.


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