Arab Ministers Fail to Agree on Iraq

Arab Ministers Fail to Agree on Iraq
Frustrated in their efforts to find a united stance on the Iraq standoff, the foreign ministers of several Arab countries turned the issue over to a committee to resolve the issue before an Arab League summit this weekend. The foreign ministers' failure after hours of debate Thursday showed just how divided their governments are about handling the crisis in Iraq, a fellow Arab nation and a member of the Arab League.

Some countries, like Kuwait, argue that war on Iraq is inevitable and say the focus should be on planning for the aftermath.

A second camp, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia, argues that war can be avoided if Iraq cooperates fully with U.N. inspectors seeking to verify that it has eliminated its weapons of mass destruction.

A third camp, led by Syria, wants Arabs to rally around Iraq and produce a summit declaration unequivocally opposed to war.

On Thursday, the ministers rejected the draft resolution that expressed, without mentioning Iraq, "absolute rejection of any illegitimate foreign aggression against any Arab country."

They then set up a committee of nine colleagues plus Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa to draft a final resolution, Arab diplomats said on condition of anonymity.

One diplomat said Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri insisted Thursday that in any summit resolution, "a strong and powerful position should be made condemning the United States intentions to launch a war against Iraq."

Jordanian Foreign Minister Marwan Mouasher said: "We need to address the needs of all members. Iraq has certain concerns that we're addressing. Kuwait also has certain concerns that we're addressing. These two issues will be addressed in a way that will satisfy both."

Facing the prospect of a U.S.-led attack on Saddam Hussein , the 22-nations of the Arab League moved the annual meeting date ahead nearly a month to Saturday and the location to Egypt, seen as having the most clout to forge a consensus.

The agenda is expected to include the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and a Saudi proposal for political reform in the Middle East.

Another committee has been appointed to find a common stand on the Palestinian issue.

The summit is the first of a series of high-profile meetings at which Arab and Muslim states will discuss the Iraqi crisis.

Next week, Gulf countries are scheduled to hold a summit, and days later heads of government of the Organization of the Islamic Conference are due to meet.

On Wednesday in Sharm el-Sheik, diplomats spent at least five hours arguing over whether the summit should discuss the Iraqi-U.S. confrontation alone or include the Iraq-Kuwait rift.

Kuwait insists that Iraq account for about 600 Kuwaitis and others who disappeared during the Iraqi occupation of 1990-91, and it fears Iraq may attack it again. Iraq denies it is holding any detainees from the occupation, which was reversed by a U.S.-led coalition army.

At an earlier preparatory meeting, Syria proposed calling on Arab states to "refrain from offering any assistance or facilities to any military operation that might threaten the security, safety and territorial integrity of Iraq.

" That prompted a formal protest from Kuwait, which accused Syria and other hard-line states of failing to take its security concerns into account.

The United States is already massing troops in the region. Some of its forces are being deployed in Arab League countries such as Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain.


Secretary General of the Arab League Amr Moussa, addresses a news conference before the second session of a foreign ministers meeting Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt. Arab foreign ministers held a preparation meeting ahead of the 15th annual Arab summit to be held on March 1. (AP Photo/Amr Nabi

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