Saddam Accuses U.S. of 'Shameful Crime' ; 10 Iraqis killed in Attack

Saddam Accuses U.S. of
President Saddam Hussein accused the United States of committing a "shameful crime" by attacking Iraq, urging his people in a nationally televised address Thursday to "go draw your sword" against the enemy. Saddam appeared on television, wearing a military uniform, vowing, "Iraq will be victorious," about two hours after U.S. cruise missiles hit targets in and around Baghdad. U.S. officials said the strike targeted Saddam himself and other leadership figures.

The Iraqi leader appeared subdued, and his puffy face showed signs of strain. He wore reading glasses - something he has avoided in public. He appeared less vigorous than during a meeting of his Revolutionary Command Council last week.

"We promise you that Iraq, its leadership and its people will stand up to the evil invaders, and we will take them to such limits that they will lose their patience in achieving their plans, which are pushed by criminal Zionism," he said.

"They will face a bitter defeat, God willing," he said. "You will be able to achieve glory and your despicable infidel enemies will be defeated."

"This is added to the series of their shameful crime against Iraq and humanity," Saddam said, describing the U.S. president as 'little, evil Bush."

"Draw your sword and be not afraid," he urged the Iraqi people, before ending the speech by chanting, "Allahu akbar" or God is great, and saying, "Long live jihad (holy war) and long live Palestine."

"We pledge to you in our name and in the name of our leadership and in the name of the Iraqi people and its heroic army, in the name of Iraq, its civilization and history, that we will fight the invaders," Saddam told the Iraqi people.

Addressing those of Washington's allies who have spoken out against war Saddam said: "Now that you have seen how the reckless Bush belittled your positions and views against the war and your calls for peace, he has committed his ugly crime."

He concluded his seven-minute speech with the Islamic rallying cry "Allahu Akbar!" (God is Greatest):

"Allahu Akbar! Long live Iraq! Long live Palestine! Long live our glorious nation and long live those who seek peace!"

After the U.S. strike, Iraqi broadcasters repeatedly announced that the Iraqi leader would appear. Baghdad radio carried a message from his son, Odai, calling on the people to be steadfast and promised them victory.

Iraqi foreign minister, Naji Sabri meanwhile while said 10 Iraqis were killed in the overnight and early morning attacks.

Mohammed Saeed Sahhaf, the information minister, also on Iraq radio, called on Iraqi people to be steadfast and described this day as a "an eternal day in history and that Allah honored the Iraqis with this test."


Iraqi President Saddam Hussein appears on state television March 20, 2003; three hours after the United States launched a war to overthrow him. Hussein thundered defiance against President George W. Bush. Photo by Reuters TV/Reuters

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