Rumsfeld Embarks on a Tour of the Gulf

Rumsfeld Embarks on a Tour of the Gulf
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld left Saturday for a trip to the Gulf region. Rumsfeld has said he wants to talk to leaders of friendly countries in the area about changing the U.S. military presence there following the American-led invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of its government. He has suggested the United States could lower its profile in the Gulf because the regime of Saddam Hussein no longer poses a threat to neighboring countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

The duration and specific destinations on Rumsfeld's itinerary could not be disclosed because of security concerns, defense officials said.

The trip comes as combat has all but ended in Iraq. The U.S. military is now focusing on hunting down former Iraqi government officials as well as uncovering weapons of mass destruction, a prime objective of the war.

American forces are also providing humanitarian relief and are working to set the stage for an interim government in Baghdad.

Rumsfeld said on Friday he did not know how long U.S. forces would occupy Iraq. He said they would stay no longer than necessary to get an Iraqi government installed.


Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld listens to a reporter's question during a news conference at the Pentagon , Friday, Apr. 25, 2003. Rumsfeld said captured Iraqi leaders are sharing information with U. S. officials. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)

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