Message Urging Iraqis to Rise Up "Signed by Saddam" Printed by Arabic Daily

Message Urging Iraqis to Rise Up "Signed by Saddam" Printed by Arabic Daily
An Arabic newspaper splashed frontpage what it said was a handwritten letter signed by Saddam Hussein urging the Iraqi people to rise up against US troops who invaded and ousted his regime.The message to the Iraqi people was dated April 28, the 66th birthday of the former strongman whose whereabouts are unknown, said Abdul Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi.Atwan told AFP by telephone the one-page letter was received by fax from an undetermined location and signed "Saddam Hussein". The daily quoted sources close to Saddam confirming that it was his own handwriting and signature. "The circumstances in which he is living clandestinely do not allow him to do more than put out a written message, given his security considerations," the sources said. The message says that the US-British military victory "was only possible because of betrayal" and calls on Iraqis "who reject occupation and shame ... to rise up against occupation." "Liberation and victory" is promised. The letter also urges Iraqis to set aside their differences warning that US-installed leaders will not bring freedom. "Today the sole priority is the expulsion of the miscreant, murderous and cowardly occupier," it says. "All the countries surrounding you are against your resistance, but God is with you because you are fighting infidelity and you are defending your rights. "Iraq will emerge victorious as will the honourable people of the nation. We will recover the archaeological treasues they stole. We will rebuild the Iraq they want to divide." Al-Quds Al-Arabi on Tuesday published a letter from a previously unknown group calling itself Iraqi Resistance and Liberation which said Saddam was still alive and would deliver a message to his country within three days. On April 18, Abu Dhabi TV aired what it said was footage of Saddam being feted in a Baghdad neighborhood on April 9, the day the capital fell to US forces, and his "last speech" which it said had not been broadcast before. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Saddam Hussein

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