Bush to Meet Abbas, Sharon in Jordan

Bush to Meet Abbas, Sharon in Jordan
The US President Bush, will meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders to push Middle East peace plans in the Jordanian Red Sea port of Aqaba, Jordan officials said Tuesday. The announcement followed the delay of a meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian Premier Mahmoud Abbas, due to what both sides called scheduling problems and not a rift ahead of the meeting with Bush. Jordan's state news agency Petra, quoting Information Minister Mohammad Adwan, said King Abdullah would host Bush's summit with Abbas and Sharon. It said a separate U.S.-Arab summit would take place in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheik and that consultations were under way over the dates of both meetings which Egyptian, U.S. and Israeli officials said are expected next week. One source said June 5 was a possible date for the Aqaba summit with Abbas and Sharon. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said: "We have seen moments in the Middle East come and go before, when people thought they could achieve peace. This president is committed to seeing if, perhaps, this time peace can be achieved." Fleischer cited "some formalities" with holding up an announcement. Bush departs Friday on a trip that will take him to Poland, Russia and France as well as a likely visit to U.S. troops in the Middle East. On the agenda is the U.S.-backed road map for peace that outlines reciprocal steps leading to an end to 32 months of intifada and creation of a Palestinian state by 2005. Israel's cabinet approved the plan Sunday, with reservations. The Palestinians accepted it last month. Palestinians said an Abbas-Sharon meeting could set the tone for the trilateral summit and voiced concern over Israeli reservations about the road map, many of them security-related, which appeared in Israeli newspapers Tuesday. **ISRAEL ACCEPTED PLAN UNDER U.S PRESSURE*** Bush pressured Sharon and his cabinet into accepting the road map earlier this week, a decision the Israeli leader defended by voicing both doubts and the realization Israel could not continue to occupy the West Bank and Gaza Strip forever. Israelis asked whether Sharon had had a change of heart or chose the politically charged word "occupation" in a bid to show Washington, Israel's key ally, that he was serious about peace. At a European foreign ministers' meeting in Crete, the clear message from Israel and the Palestinians was that Washington would be the key player in the road map's success. Washington and Israel have sidelined Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in peace talks, accusing him of fomenting violence in the uprising. Abbas, elected under U.S. pressure for reform in the Palestinian Authority, said in an interview to the Israeli daily Haaretz that isolating Arafat sent the wrong message to the Palestinians. In ongoing Israeli occupation in the West Bank on Tuesday, Israeli troops shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian during stone throwing clashes, Palestinian witnesses and medics said. **PHOTO CAPTION*** A doctor attends Palestinian school boy Kamal Nawahda as he arrives to Al-Ettehad hospital brain-dead, according to hospital officials, after he was injured seriously from a bullet shot from an Israeli tank during stone throwing clashes in the village of Al-Yamoun near the West Bank town of Jenin May 22, 2003.

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