Chief US Inspector's Interim Report: No WMD in Iraq

Chief US Inspector
America's chief weapons inspector has told the US congress his team has not yet found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. David Kay told reporters after delivering his interim report: "We have not found actual weapons at this point. It does not mean that we have concluded there are no actual weapons. It means at this point in time - and it is a huge country with a lot to do - that we have not yet found weapons." The opposition Democrats have seized on the findings. Senator Jay Rockefeller said: "Ladies and gentlemen, that's the reason we went to war. And that's the reason some of us voted on that authorisation bill." Kay described evidence of a possible small-scale biological weapons programme, but said there was little sign of a chemical or nuclear project. That is unlikely to convince sceptics at home and abroad who believe the Bush administration exaggerated the Iraqi threat. Bush's officials are now urging people to defer their judgement until Kay's team has finished its work. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Weapons expert studies an abandoned Russian-made SA-2 surface-to-air missile in a Baghdad suburb. (AFP/File/Cris Bouroncle)

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