Pakistan Has 2nd Missile Test in a Week

Pakistan Has 2nd Missile Test in a Week
Pakistan on Wednesday test fired a medium-range, nuclear-capable missile, the second such test in less than a week, the army said. The army said it successfully fired off the Hatf-4 missile, also known as the Shaheen 1, in the early morning hours. The missile has a range of 435 miles, meaning it can hit most major targets in rival India. "The test is part of the ongoing series of tests of Pakistan's indigenous missile systems," the army said in a statement, adding that: "In a spirit of confidence building Pakistan had given prior notification of the tests to its neighbors." On Friday, Pakistan shot off the short-range Hatf-3 Ghaznavi missile and promised other tests in coming days. The army would not reveal the location of Wednesday's test, citing security reasons. Friday's test was the first in Pakistan since March, but Islamabad insists the missile tests have nothing to do with simmering tensions with India. The two countries appeared headed for peace talks a few short months ago, and the silos were silent while they resumed diplomatic ties and restored bus links. The two countries appeared eager to discuss even the flashpoint issue of Kashmir, the Himalayan region split between them but claimed by both in its entirety. The former princely state has been the source of two of the three wars between Pakistan and India since 1947. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Shaheen 1.

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