Muslim Nations Want Pivotal Role for UN in Iraq

Muslim Nations Want Pivotal Role for UN in Iraq
Foreign ministers meeting in Malaysia sought the rewording of an Islamic summit resolution on Iraq on Tuesday to strengthen a call for a dominant role for the United Nations. But the U.S.-backed Iraqi Provisional Governing Council blocked efforts by some countries in the Organization of the Islamic Conference to set a deadline for U.S.-led occupation forces to leave. "There was a debate on putting a specific time for the U.S. to withdraw," Yonatri Rilman, an Indonesian delegate, told Reuters. "But it was not accepted. The Iraq officials themselves preferred an uncertain time." A draft resolution formulated by the foreign ministers to be given to leaders at the OIC summit on Thursday only called on the U.N. Security Council to seek a timetable for the "withdrawal of the occupying power from Iraq as soon as possible." The draft, seen by Reuters, also said the Security Council should ensure the establishment of a constitution accepted by the Iraqi people in addition to forming a representative government elected by the Iraqi people. And crucially, it said the United Nations should play a central role in Iraq, covering all aspects of politics, security and economics. The Malaysian hosts were adamant that the United Nations should take charge, while welcoming signs that Washington would pass more authority to the Iraqi Provisional Governing Council in mid-December. "The U.N. should be the one that supervises, undertakes the whole exercise and it would be easier for it to have international legitimacy," Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar told reporters. **ANNAN CRIES OFF*** U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, who had been due to attend, pulled out due to negotiations at the Security Council in New York over the latest U.S. draft on Iraq. The United States revised its draft resolution on Monday to include a deadline of December 15 for the handover of power to the Iraqis, with the Governing Council performing the role as interim administration. Some delegates welcomed that as a step forward. "Of course this is a serious and genuine move and if implemented in good faith, and conditions are conducive to the restoration of Iraqi sovereignty, it will be good for the Iraqi people, the region and the Muslim world," Musa Braizat, a senior Jordanian Foreign Ministry official, told reporters. But the U.S. draft resolution did not create a provisional government. Nor did it give the United Nations a central role in drafting a constitution and organizing elections, putting in doubt whether Annan would return political staff to Iraq following the August 19 bombing of U.N. offices in Baghdad that killed 22 people. It was unclear whether the latest U.S. draft would find favor among the Muslim countries Washington hopes might share some of the burden of stabilizing and reconstructing Iraq. Annan had been expected to open a business forum on Wednesday on the sidelines of the OIC summit and the meetings leading up to it, before attending the summit itself. **PHOTO CAPTION*** Flags of 57 Islamic nations flutter outside the Putrajaya Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur, where the Organisation of the Islamic Conference opened with a call for foreign forces to leave Iraq. (AFP/Roslan Rahman)

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