There are 17997 articles

  • Poll: Bush Rallying Support on Iraq War

    President Bushhas reversed the slide in public support for a possible war with Iraq, with two-thirds, 66 percent, in an ABC-Washington Post poll released Saturday saying they support military action against Iraq. That's up from 57 percent who felt that way in mid-January in this poll. Significantly, 51 percent said they support military action even.. More

  • OPEC Renews Pledge to Boost Supply in Event of War Shortages

    OPEC will deal with any unforeseen development such as war on Iraq, and increase supply to meet demand, the oil cartel's president, Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah."If there is a shortage of supply, OPEC will balance demand and supply," Attiyah told reporters Sunday on the sidelines of an energy and environment conference in the Emirati capital."We have.. More

  • Mubarak invites Sharon to Cairo for Mideast talks

    Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has invited newly re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to Cairo for talks aimed at reviving the Middle East peace process, state-run Akhbar al-Yom weekly said.Such a meeting, which would be Sharon's first with an Arab leader since he took office nearly two years ago, was announced by Sharon's office on Wednesday.Ibra.. More

  • U.N. Confirms Chief Inspectors Will Return

    The chief weapons inspectors will return to Baghdad on Feb. 8 for two days of talks with Iraqi officials in an attempt to resolve ongoing disputes about the search for banned weapons of mass destruction, Iraqi and U.N. officials said Saturday. "They'll be discussing all the outstanding issues including interviews with Iraqi scientists," Iraq's U.N... More

  • Palestinian Resistance Man shot dead in Gaza

    The Israeli occupation army has shot dead a Palestinian resistance man in the south of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli occupation army said its troops fired at the armed man as he approached one of its posts in the town of Rafah, near the border with Egypt. The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine said the group of their fighters attacked the.. More

  • Seven die in shuttle disaster

    The US space shuttle Columbia has disintegrated after re-entering the Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven crew. The space agency Nasa lost contact with the craft about 15 minutes before it was due to land at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. In a televised statement, a sombre President Bush paid tribute to the six American and one Israeli astronaut."Thes.. More

  • Nasa Shuttle Lost on Re-entry; Seven Astronauts Feared Dead

    The American space agency Nasa says it has lost contact with the space shuttle Columbia about 15 minutes before it was due to land at the Kennedy space centre. There were seven crewmembers aboard the shuttle - six Americans and the first Israeli in space. A Nasa spokesman confirmed they had had reports that the space shuttle had broken up during its.. More

  • Israeli Occupation troops Kill Armed Palestinian in Gaza

    Israeli occupation troops shot dead an armed Palestinian in a Gaza Stripborder zone on Saturday and imposed a curfew on the West Bank city of Hebron in a renewed occupation army crackdown following Israeli national elections. An Israeli occupation armysource said occupation soldiers spotted an armed Palestinian approaching the Gaza border with Egypt.. More

  • After War Talks, Blair Forecasts New UN Resolution

    British leader Tony Blairflew home on Saturday from a council of war with George W. Bush and forecast that divided world opinion would rally behind a new U.N. resolution that might authorize an attack on Iraq. "I believe that there will be a second resolution," the prime minister told reporters on the plane back to London after his crucial meeting with.. More

  • U.S. Warns N.Korea About Nuke Activity

    U.S. spy satellites show North Koreacould be moving toward making nuclear warheads, U.S. officials said, as a top military commander called for more troops, bombers and ships to bolster ally South Korea. In a sign the crisis on the Korean peninsula is deepening, U.S. officials said on Friday the satellite images show North Korean workers moving fuel.. More

  • Bush Says Iraq Crisis Will Come to a Head in Weeks as UN Chief Arms Inspectors Defer Trip to Baghdad

    President Bush, backed by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, his staunchest ally, has warned that the Iraqi crisis would come to a head in a matter of weeks, rather than months. For the first time, Bush broached the idea of a second United Nations resolution to authorize war on Iraq but made clear such a resolution although welcome, was not necessary... More

  • Palestinian Resistance Man, Bystander Killed in Jenin

    Israeli occupation soldiers searching for West Bank resistance activists killed a Palestinian resistance man on Friday in an exchange of fire that also killed a bystander. The gun battle outside a fire station in Jenin coincided with an open-ended Israeli sweep that began on Thursday in another West Bank city, Hebron, a frequent flashpoint of confrontations.. More

  • Italian Police Arrest 28 Pakistanis

    Twenty-eight Pakistanis arrested during a routine sweep for illegal immigrants possessed explosives, hundreds of forged documents and maps of the Naples area with "sensitive" targets circled, authorities said Friday. Police first said in a statement they uncovered an "al-Qaida terrorist cell," but gave no further details on the suspects' alleged involvement.. More

  • UN Sets Conditions For Iraq Visit

    The UN's chief nuclear arms inspector says Iraq must show progress on its co-operation with his team before he will accept Baghdad's invitation to return for talks. Mohamed ElBaradei said Iraq must "move forward" - for example allowing private interviews with its scientists - if he and chief inspector Hans Blix are to attend talks before 10 February... More

  • Al Qaeda Blamed for Deadly Afghan Mine Blast

    At least 18 people were killed near the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Friday when a bus hit a mine which police said had been planted by the al Qaeda network of Osama bin Laden. Witnesses who rushed to help the survivors described a scene of bloody carnage. Hours after the explosion, debris was still scattered over a large area and a three-foot-deep.. More

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