There are 17997 articles

  • Russian Envoy: Talks with N.Korea's Kim Successful

    A Russian envoy held six hours of talks Monday with reclusive North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and described the meeting on the nuclear standoff between Pyongyang and Washington as substantive and successful. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov emerged from the talks at a heavily guarded residence on the northern outskirts of Pyongyang.. More

  • Libya Elected to Chair U.N. Human Rights Body

    Libya, under fire for years from human rights activists, was overwhelmingly elected Monday to chair the top United Nationsrights body after the United States broke with tradition and forced a vote. The North African country ruled by President Muammar Gaddafiwill preside at the March 17-April 25 session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission which meets.. More

  • Top UN Inspectors Hold More Crunch Talks with Iraq

    Chief U.N. arms inspectors hold a second round of showdown talks with Iraq on Monday, warning Baghdad that time was running out to provide full cooperation despite promises of more information on some issues. Washington on Sunday issued one of its clearest warnings yet to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein that non-cooperation with U.N. inspectors could.. More

  • White House Would Welcome Saddam Exile

    Top Bush administration officials said Sunday they would welcome Saddam Hussein seeking exile outside Iraq, saying it could avert military action to topple the Iraqi president. In the meantime, reports of averting war by removing Saddam from Baghdad continued to circulate, and top Bush administration officials encouraged that option. "To avoid a war,.. More

  • Saudi, Iran Back Regional Summit on Iraq Crisis

    Saudi Arabia and Iran Sunday backed a Turkish plan to hold a regional summit to discuss ways to avert a U.S.-led war on neighboring Iraq. NATO member Turkey said Thursday it had invited the leaders of Syria, Jordan, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to Ankara this week for the talks. Syria has offered to host a meeting of foreign ministers to help prepare.. More

  • Chief U.N. Inspectors in Iraq, Demand Proof

    Chief U.N. arms inspector Hans Blix flew to Baghdad Sunday to demand that Iraq stop dragging its feet and volunteer evidence on its weapons programs to avert the threat of war. Blix flew in from Cyprus with Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the United Nationsnuclear agency, in what Blix said was a last-ditch bid to get Iraq's full cooperation before they report.. More

  • Arab leaders Step Up Peace Drive

    Leaders of the Arab world have stepped up efforts to forge a common front to avert a possible US-led war against Iraq.Egypt has accepted a Turkish invitation to attend a summit on the crisis next week, while Syria has offered to host a meeting of Arab foreign ministers from countries neighbouring Iraq. Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al-Shara visited.. More

  • Jewish Settlers Rampage in Hebron After Killing

    Jewish settlers rampaged through the West Bank city of Hebron Sunday, smashing the windows of Palestinian homes and setting cars ablaze as they prepared to bury a settler killed by Palestinians. In an interview published Sunday by the U.S. magazine Newsweek, Israeli Prime minister, Ariel Sharon dismissed the Quartet 'roadmap' peace plan as rubbish and.. More

  • Global Anti-War Movement Growing

    A day of worldwide protests against a looming US-led war on Iraq has culminated in giant peace rallies in Washington, San Francisco and other US cities. More than 50,000 Americans converged on the National Mall in the centre of Washington, in one of the biggest protests since the build-up for war began. The most popular chant was "No War For Oil". The.. More

  • Iraqi Scientist Denounces Inspectors But Supplies Them with Alarming Documents

    An angry Iraqi scientist accused "Mafia-like" U.N. inspectors Saturday of using his wife's illness in an attempt to lure him abroad for interrogation about Baghdad's nuclear programs. "Never, never will I leave my country," he said. Physicist Faleh Hassan was one of two scientists whose homes inspectors visited Thursday. It was the first unannounced.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Army Kills 3 Palestinians as Students Storm University in Hebron

    A Palestinian man fixing a satellite dish on his rooftop was shot and killed in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, Palestinians said. In the West Bank, Israeli occupation troops tracked down and killed a Palestinian who took part in a deadly attack on an internationally illegal Jewish settlement. In violence Saturday, occupation soldiers stationed near the.. More

  • Inspectors to Now Probe Warheads' Intent

    Iraq had tens of thousands of 122 mm rockets, and thousands are unaccounted for, so the discovery by U.N. inspectors of 12 warheads for the rockets isn't surprising, former U.N. inspectors say.U.N. weapons inspectors in Baghdad said Thursday they were empty chemical warheads for 122 mm rockets that Iraq did not list in its December declaration to the.. More

  • Second Activist in W. Bank Attack Killed

    Israeli occupation soldiers tracked and killed the second resistance activist of an attack on a West Bank Jewish settlement early Saturday, the occupation army said. Two men attacked the settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron on Friday, killing one Israeli and injuring three others. One of the resistance men was shot and killed in the attack. The other.. More

  • U.N. Council Bolsters Terror Sanctions

    The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Friday to bolster sanctions against Osama bin Laden , his al-Qaida terror network and Afghanistan 's former Taliban rulers.The sanctions include a travel ban and arms embargo against individuals and groups on a list compiled by a council committee. The list currently names 150 individuals and one group associated.. More

  • World Protesters Gather on Iraq Conflict

    Protesters turned out Friday in Bahrain and the Gaza Strip to rally against a possible war against Iraq, while demonstrators planned to take to the streets in several European cities. Protests on Saturday in Brussels and the German cities of Hamburg and Cologne were to coincide with similar demonstrations across the United States. German demonstrators.. More

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