There are 17997 articles

  • Occupation Troops Kill Palestinian Near Internationally Illegal Jewish Settlement in Gaza

    HIGHLIGHTS|| Palestinians under 35 Barred from Travel Abroad|| Israel's Supreme Court to Rule on Arab Candidates This Thursday|| Israel Appears Resolved to Weather Pressure From London & Washington to Reverse Decision to Bar Palestinians From Attending London Peace Talks|| However, Blair Pushes Ahead with Plans to Hold Meeting on Jan 14, 2003, Stressing.. More

  • U.S., in Policy Shift, Says Will Talk to N.Korea

    Washington shifted course on Tuesday and said it was willing to talk to North Korea about its atomic program, as the U.N. nuclear watchdog said Pyongyang had "only a matter of weeks" to readmit inspectors expelled last week. The United States, which previously insisted North Korea roll back recent steps to revive its nuclear programs before any talks,.. More

  • Western Allies Ready Troops for Gulf

    America's Western allies are gearing up their troops for possible deployment to the Gulf in the event of a war with Iraq. The UK is expected to announce on Tuesday a decision to mobilise thousands of troops and send a helicopter assault ship to the region later this month. In France, President Jacques Chirac said soldiers needed to be prepared in case.. More

  • N Korea sanctions 'would mean war'

    North Korea has said that economic sanctions by the United States would represent a declaration of war, as diplomatic efforts to resolve its nuclear weapons crisis intensify.It condemned the recent interception of a ship exporting Scud missiles to Yemen as an act of piracy and said the US would pay a "very high price for such reckless acts". The BBC's.. More

  • Court deadline for Pakistan suspects

    A judge in Pakistan has given the authorities a week to explain why they are still holding a doctor and four of his relatives for alleged al-Qaeda links. Lahore High Court judge Javed Buttar set a deadline of 15 January for prosecutors to provide proof justifying the detentions. Dr Ahmad Javed Khawaja, his brother, two sons and a nephew were picked.. More

  • U.S. Lays Plans for a Post-War Iraq, Saddam Defiant

    HIGHLIGHTS|| Bush Describes Saddam's First Public Criticism of UN Weapons Inspectors as Discouraging|| However, UN Inspectors Gave Bush No Ammunition to Justify War With IAEA Chief Stressing That Nothing Suspicious Was Found in Iraq as of Yet|| There Are Signs That Washington is Viewing a UN Security Council Session on Iraq on Jan 27, 2003, as Trigger.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Enter Maghazi Refugee Camp in Gaza Strip Killing Two Palestinians

    HIGHLIGHTS|| Occupation Army Also Enters Khan Yunis Demolishing Several Palestinian Homes|| 43 of the 100 Injured in Sunday's Resistance Bombings Still in Hospital, Two in Critical Condition|| London & Washington Regret Israeli Decision to Bar Palestinians from Attending London Conference|| Netanyahu Urges British Counterpart Straw to Adopt Washington's.. More

  • IAEA Gives N. Korea Last Chance

    HIGLIGHTS Pyongyang Accuses Washington of Plotting Atomic War & Threatens US with Destruction if Attacked|| In Contrast with Standoff with Iraq, Bush is Prepared to Open Dialogue with N. Korea|| If IAEA Reports Pyongyang in Breach of Nuclear Safe Guards to UN Security Council, the International Body Has Power to Authorize Military Action|| Japan Joins.. More

  • Israel Responds with Missile Attacks & Bars Palestinians from Going to London Peace Talks

    Israel responded Monday to the killing of 22 people by Palestinian resistance bombers with a helicopter attack, as well as barring Palestinians from going to a London peace parley and a PLO meeting in the West Bank. More than 100 people were wounded in the Tel Aviv blasts that turned a crowded pedestrian mall in a foreign workers' neighborhood into.. More

  • Saddam: Monitors Do 'Intelligence Work'

    President Saddam Husseinaccused U.N. inspectors of engaging in "intelligence work" instead of searching for suspected nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in Iraq. The inspectors were interested in collecting names of Iraqi scientists, putting questions to them that indicate "hidden agendas" and gathering information about military facilities, Saddam.. More

  • Russia Pledges Full Cooperation with OPEC to Stem Oil Supply Shortfall

    The world's biggest non-OPEC oil exporter Russia said that it was prepared to consider "all forms of cooperation" with the cartel to boost deliveries and stem the precipitous rise in world prices. Energy Minister Igor Iusufov said he believed there was a global supply shortfall of between one million and 1.5 million barrels per day and that Russia was.. More

  • Resistance Bombers Kill at Least 22 in Tel Aviv

    HIGLIGHTSIsraeli Helicopters Fire 9 Missiles at Targets in Gaza City|| Bush & Palestinian Authority Denounce Attacks & Aqsa Brigades Claims responsibility || Sharon Convenes Cabinet & Israeli Military Build up Reported in Southern Gaza|| Resistance Attacks Come in Retaliation for Recent Israeli Targeted Killings & Demolitions of Palestinian Houses||.. More

  • Turkish, Egyptian Leaders Discuss Iraq

    Turkey's prime minister discussed the Iraqi-U.S. standoff with Egypt's president Sunday in a bid to avert another Gulf Warand urge Baghdad to comply with U.N. weapons inspections. Abdullah Gul told reporters after meeting with President Hosni Mubarakthat their talks focused on preventing a war against Iraq. America has threatened military action against.. More

  • Jordan Court Upholds Terror Case Verdict

    A military court upheld a guilty verdict and death sentence Sunday against a Jordanian-American accused of conspiring to carry out poison gas attacks on American and Israeli targets in the kingdom three years ago. The ruling came nearly two months after an appeals court ordered a retrial, saying military judges in State Security Court had insufficient.. More

  • Inspectors Search Iraqi Complex for Weapons

    U.N. experts Sunday sprang a surprise inspection on a complex housing Iraq's own weapons Monitoring Directorate while U.S. allies in Europe and the Middle East sought a peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis. Turkish Prime Minister Abdullah Gul was in Egypt on a Middle East tour to push for a peaceful resolution, while a Turkish newspaper said dozens.. More

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