There are 17997 articles

  • US Sees End of UN Talks on Iraq as it Moves Bombers

    HIGHLIGHTSMoving Bombers Seen as New Display of Determination on U.S. Part to Act Alone if UN Support Were Not Forthcoming|*|Anglo-American Jets Attack Iraqi Anti-Aircraft Batteries|*|UN Security Council President Says Council Member States Moving Towards 'Something Positive'|*|Powell Thinks Vote Possible Towards End of Next Week|*|UN Inspectors Meet.. More

  • Russia Comes Clean over Gas, Demands Extradition of Chechen Envoy

    HIGLIGHTSFentanyl, a Potent Agent Named Responsible for Nearly All of the 119 Deaths Among the Captives|*|U.S. Ambassador to Moscow: 'Lives Could've Been Saved if Precise Information Had been Given to Medics|*|Russia Liberal Opposition Party, Yabloko: 'Lackof Organisation of Medical Assistance to Victims Verges on the Criminal.; |*| Soviet Scientists.. More

  • Sharon Rallying Crumbling Coalition

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharonmade a frantic last-minute effort Wednesday to save his crumbling coalition, trying to resolve a dispute with the Labor Party over the funding of Jewish settlements ahead of a budget vote. However, Labor leader Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said his party would bolt unless Sharon cut 145 million dlrs in allocations to settlements in.. More

  • Chief UN arms inspector to meet with US leadership

    Chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix is to meet here with US Vice President Richard Cheney and other top officials to discuss prospects for overcoming opposition in the UN Security Council to enacting a tough new inspection regime for Iraq.President George W. Bush was also likely to participate in the Wednesday meetings, a US official said.Blix, who.. More

  • Top Chechen official arrested in Copenhagen

    Top Chechen envoy Ahmed Zakayev, in Denmark for a world congress of the Chechen people, was arrested here at Russia's request, the police announced.Danish television said he was suspected of involvement in last week's deadly Moscow hostage-taking by Chechen nationalists, who were demanding that Russia pull its troops out of the tiny Chechnya republic.The.. More

  • Palestinian Infiltrator Shoots Israeli Settlers and Occupation Soldiers

    HIGHLIGHTS: At Least one of the Israeli Occupation Soldiers Was Severely Injured|*|Arafat Gets Approval of New Cabinet|*|Sharon Faces Collapse of Ruling Coalition|*|Israeli Official Says Sharon May Order Early Elections within 90 Days|*|Sharon Says American Peace Plan 'Not Acceptable' in its Present Form|*|________STORY: A Palestinian attacker managed.. More

  • US Presses UN on Iraq, as Top Commander Tours Gulf

    HIGHLIGHTS:U.S Officials Warn Time Is Nearing When Washington Will Act Alone on Iraq|*|American Draft UN Resolution Contains 'Hidden Triggers' for Automatic Use of Military Force against Iraq|*|French Foreign Minister de Villepin Indicates Consensus on UN Resolution Is Approaching|*|U.S. Top Commander Denies that Arrival of Aircraft Carrier USS Abraham.. More

  • Jordanians Make Arrest in U.S. Diplomat Slaying

    HIGHLIGHTS: Suspect Admits Responsibility for the Assassination|*| Shurafaa' al-Urdun Claim Responsibility for Attack in Revenge of U.S. Blind Support for Israel & Actions against Afghanistan & Iraq|*|Suspect, Muhammad al-Chalabi, known as Abu Sayyaf, alsoWanted in Connection with Attack on a Police Station in 2001|*|No Ties to Iraq|*| ________STORY:Jordania.. More

  • Israel Kills Palestinian in jenin , Arafat Named New cabinet ; Israeli coalition Creaks

    Yasser Arafatnamed a new Palestinian cabinet and extended an olive branch to Israel on Tuesday as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharongrappled with his worst political crisis since coming to power. Arafat, under pressure at home and abroad for sweeping reforms, unveiled his new government in a speech to the Palestinian parliament that was at times defiant.. More

  • U.N. Delay Could Help U.S. Campaigns

    Prolonged debate in the U.N. Security Council could spare President Bush from announcing a decision on whether to go to war with Iraq, with its potentially painful political consequences, until after next Tuesday's elections. Administration officials are claiming progress in the council's informal deliberations on a tough U.S.-British resolution that.. More

  • Jordan Hunts U.S. Diplomat's Killer, Tightens Security

    Jordan, backed by a U.S. counter- terrorism team, hunted on Tuesday for the killer of a senior U.S. diplomat and imposed tough new security measures to protect Western embassies in the country, a regional Washington ally. A gunman shot Laurence Foley, 60, a senior administrator at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), three times in.. More

  • U.S. Gets Key But Cautious Support for Iraq Draft

    HIGHLIGHTS||Blix & ElBaradei Support New Resolution But Question Several Details in the U.S. Proposal Including Authorization to Interview Iraqis and their Families outside the Country and Away from Iraqi Government Observers ||Two Inspectors Stress that It's the Council & Not them that Decides Whether Iraq Was in Compliance||U.S. & Britain to Take.. More

  • Palestinian Parliament Convenes Tuesday as Israel Detains Scores of Palestinian Resistance Activists

    HIGHLIGHTS: ||Making the Arrest of 175 Palestinian Resistance Activists, Israeli Officials Say it's Now Evident for them that the Activists Are Determined to Continue their Intifadha, Uprising against Occupation||Palestinians Say Israelis Have Only themselves to Blame for Relentless Resistance Attacks||Palestinian Parliamentary Debate Postponed Monday.. More

  • Arab League Mulls Emergency Meeting over Libyan Pullout Threat

    HIGHLIGHTS: ||Meeting Could Convene within a Week or Two||Consultations Underway Between Secretariat & Arab Leaders on Measures to Counter League's Failings||Libya Agrees to Put Withdrawal From League on Hold for the Moment||Qatar Agrees with Libya on League Emergency Session to Discuss Arab Situation||___________STORY: The Arab League is considering.. More

  • U.S. Diplomat Shot Dead Outside Jordan Home

    A senior U.S. diplomat was gunned down with three bullets to the chest outside his Amman home on Monday in the first assassination of a Western diplomat in Jordan, officials said. An unidentified assailant shot the official, named by diplomats as Lawrence Foley, a senior administrator at the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID, at 7:30.. More

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