There are 17997 articles

  • U.S. Senator Warns N. Korea Bigger Threat than Iraq as Washington Views Arms Pact Over

    HIGHLIGHTS: Graham Says Development Underscores Need For Administration to Reorder its Foreign Policy||N. Korea Already Has 2 Nuclear Weapons in Hand, Says Senator, & Could Produce More||Graham Accuses Administration of Bad Faith Delaying Disclosure of N. Korea's Admission of Nuclear Programme until after Congress-Senate Vote on Iraq||Disclosure Puts.. More

  • Saddam Pardons All Political Prisoners in Iraq

    Iraq began releasing political prisoners under an unprecedented amnesty issued Sunday by President Saddam Hussein to inmates and exiles to mark his perfect 100 percent win in an uncontested election last week.The move to free all political prisoners and most other inmates was seen as part of Saddam's campaign to rally Iraqis behind his leadership at.. More

  • Emir of Qatar urges forum to foster Islamic-American dialogue

    HIGHLIGHTS: Emir's Proposals Acquire Special Significance in View of HH's Capacity as Current Chairman of the Organization of the Islamic Conference||Emir Urges Washington to Effectively Play its Role in Resolving the Mideast Conflict in its Capacity as World's only Super Power and Co-sponsor of the Peace Process||Emir Links Peace in the Middle East.. More

  • Sudan Lifts Ban on Relief Flights

    Sudan's government lifted a ban on relief flights to the southern Equatoria region Sunday after it signed a cease-fire with southern rebels, an official told The Associated Press. "We believe that the reasons behind the ban are no longer valid. The signing of the memorandum of cessation of hostilities has paved the way and we have not noticed any violations.. More

  • US Envoy Meets with Jordan King in Bid to Calm Region

    HIGHLIGHTS: King Advises Washington to Step up Mideast Peace Efforts||Arafat to Announce New Cabinet Soon||9 Palestinian Resistance Activists Arrested in West Bank & Gaza||A Palestinian Collaborator Sentenced to Death in Gaza|| STORY: The top US envoy for the Middle East, William Burns, briefed Jordan's King Abdullah II on the outlines of a US-backed.. More

  • Kurdish Army Seeks Oil-Rich Areas

    The top Iraqi Kurdish military commander said Saturday his forces would try to capture nearby oil-rich areas if the United States strikes at Saddam Hussein's regime. The battlefield strategy outlined by Cmdr. Hamid Efendi gives added muscle to a draft constitution proposed earlier this month that envisioned the oil center of Kirkuk as the future capital.. More

  • As Preparations for War Continue, Washington is Reported to Be Training Iraqi Exiles for Combat

    The Pentagon has identified as many as 5,000 Iraqi foes of President Saddam Hussein for U.S. combat training due to begin next month, a major step towards a possible U.S.-led military attack on Iraq, The Washington Post reported on Saturday. President George W. Bush authorised the training in an October 3 directive that also approved the expenditure.. More

  • US envoy Burns launches Mideast tour as Washington lashes Israel

    US envoy William Burns met Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak at the start of a two-week Middle East tour aimed at jump-starting the moribund peace process, as the United States stepped up the pressure on Israel over the deaths of Palestinian civilians.Washington leaned on Israel to rein in its military tactics hours before Burns held talks with Mubarak.. More

  • US settles for compromise Iraq resolution as Jordan urges restraint

    The United States has bowed to world opinion and offered a compromise Security Council resolution that does not call for the automatic use of military force against Iraq, while insisting it still could attack Baghdad without UN approval.Jordan's King Abdullah II, however, warned on Saturday that a US military strike on Iraq could weaken international.. More

  • Indonesian police hold terror suspect Bashir

    Indonesian police said on Saturday they had arrested a militant Muslim religious leaderin a terror probe hours after the government issued two emergency anti-terror decrees to strengthen its hand after the Bali car bomb carnage. The arrest of religious Muslim leaderAbu Bakar Bashir will be welcomed by intelligence officials in neighbouring countries.. More

  • Israeli Occupation Troops Leave Jenin as U.S Peace Envoy Begins a Tour of the Region

    HIGHLIGHTS: Occupation Troops Dig Trench around Parts of Jenin to Prevent Would-be Bombers Slipping out in Cars||Occupation Army Arrests Un-named Resistance Leader in Jenin||Resistance Man Attacks Jewish Settlement in Northern Gaza, Gets Killed after Wounding 2 Israeli Occupation Soldiers||Washington Sends Mixed Signals on Easing Plight of Besieged.. More

  • US Compromises at UN but Leaves Room to Attack Iraq

    HIGHLIGHTS: U.S. New Proposals Still Provide Some International Legal Cover to Attack Baghdad||Even Close U.S. Ally Britain Would Have Second Thoughts About Military Action Without Some Kind of New UN Resolution on Iraq||Almost All UN Members Oppose Mechanical Use of Force Against Iraq & Advocate Use of Force Has to Be Authorized by UN Security Council||Franc.. More

  • Indonesian President Signs Emergency Anti-terror Decrees

    HIGHLIGHTS: Death Penalty Extended against any Person Found to Be Using Violence or Threat of Violence to Create Terror or Unrest amongst the Masses||Australian Prime Minister, Howard, Pleased with Indonesian Response||International Police Say they Have a View as to Who is Behind the Bali Blast||Spiritual Leader ofMujahidin Council Indonesia-MMI Summond.. More

  • Armed Palestinian shot dead by army in Gaza Strip

    A Hamas activist was killed by the Israeli occupation army near a Jewish settlement in the northern Gaza Strip while two soldiers were lightly wounded in the gunfight. The gunman had hurled grenades and opened fire on an occupation army patrol by the settlement of Dugit on the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, the Islamic radical group and military.. More

  • Compromise May Break UN Impasse on Iraq

    The United States has agreed to give up an explicit authorization for military action against Iraq in a new U.N. resolution, opening the door for agreement with France that would end a month-long deadlock in the U.N. Security Council, diplomats reported. Paris, which had led the resistance to earlier U.S. proposals, on Thursday was favorably disposed.. More

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