There are 17997 articles

  • At Least 10 Police Killed in Chechnya Blast

    Rescuers fought into the early hours of Friday to find survivors in the rubble of a police station in the Caucus Republic ofChechnya after a bomb exploded, killing at least 10 police officers and injuring many others. News agencies quoted officials as saying that up to 20 other people could be buried under collapsed masonry and timber. Officials said.. More

  • Palestinian bomber kills one in Tel Aviv, Israeli tanks kill two in Rafah

    A Palestinian resistance bomber killed an Israeli woman and wounded 29 other people when he blew himself up in suburban Tel Aviv, while in the Gaza Strip Israeli tanks killed two more youths.The resistance bombing ended a three-week lull in violence inside Israel, although Israeli operations in Gaza have killed more than 20 people this week, despite.. More

  • US Congress poised to vote on Iraq war as Baghdad calls for inspections

    The US Congress was poised to authorize President George W. Bush to attack Baghdad as the five permanent members of the UN Security Council inched toward agreement on an Iraq resolution and Church of England bishops frowned on a "preventive" war.The head of Iraq's armament program meanwhile invited the Bush administration to "immediately" inspect two.. More

  • Two men killed in Pakistan election violence

    Two people were killed and seven wounded in three separate clashes at polling stations in Pakistan on Thursday during elections meant to return the country to civilian rule, government and medical officials said. One man was killed and two wounded when supporters of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of exiled former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and.. More

  • Israeli Occupation army Kills 2 Palestinians in Gaza

    Israeli occupation troops shot dead two youths and wounded 18 people during clashes at a Palestinian refugee camp on Wednesday just days after a raid in the Gaza Strip drew international condemnation. Palestinian witnesses said Israeli occupation forces approaching the edge of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip opened fire on a crowd throwing stones and.. More

  • US forces in new shooting incident as Kuwait rounds up suspects

    US forces in Kuwait were caught up in a new shooting as authorities here rounded up suspected accomplices of two Kuwaiti gunmen who killed a US marine in an attack the day before. US soldiers opened fire when their "force protection was threatened" north of Kuwait City, said a source at Camp Doha where US forces are based, north of Kuwait City. A US.. More

  • Pakistanis Vote to Elect Parliament After 3 Years of Military Rule

    Pakistanis vote on Thursday in an election billed as a return to civilian rule, with a new party supporting military ruler Pervez Musharraf against a political mainstream whose exiled leaders are barred from standing. Islamist parties, alienated by Musharraf's support for the U.S-led war on terrorism, are also hoping to make a mark in the first general.. More

  • Explosion Occurs in N. Israel

    JERUSALEM (AP) - An explosion went off Wednesday in an orchard in northern Israel, near the frontier with the West Bank, but there were no immediate reports of injuries, police said. It was not immediately clear what caused the blast. Police spokesman Yossi Hasson said it was possible that a bomb intended for an attack in Israel exploded prematurely... More

  • Iraq made concession to UN over interviews, Blix letter shows

    Iraq agreed in talks last week to allow UN weapons inspectors to decide where and how to interview its citizens, chief inspector Hans Blix said in a letter.The letter did not explicitly say the interviews could be conducted outside Iraq, as demanded by US President George W. Bush in a televised speech Monday.But it did indicate a concession by the Iraqi.. More

  • "Terrorist" attack on US marines in Kuwait was by an al-Qaeda cell

    The two Kuwaitis who killed one US marine and wounded another in a "terrorist" attack belonged to an al-Qaeda cell operating in the Gulf emirate, newspapers reported."The Voice of Bin Laden Has Awakened Sleeping Cells!" read the front-page headline of Al-Watan daily.The start of joint wargames between Kuwaiti and US forces, codenamed Eager Mace 2002,.. More

  • Occupation Troops Kill 12-year-old Girl in Southern Gaza as Sharon Ignores US Considerate Rebuke

    HIGHLIGHTS: 4 Israeli Settlers Wounded, Two of them Seriously in a Resistance Ambush Near Hebron, Al-Khalil||In Retaliation, Israel Sends Tanks Rolling into Palestinian Parts of Hebron||ICRC Head Describes Humanitarian Situation in Territories as Being the Most Dire in 35 Years of Israeli Occupation||Palestinian Security Forces Still Searching for Abductors.. More

  • Qaeda Threatens More Attacks on U.S.

    HIGHLIGHTS: Authenticity & Timing ofAudio Tape Obtained by AP Not Confirmed But Contains Referenceto Recent Stand Off with Iraq & a July U.S. Bombing in Afghanistan||Voice on Tape Obtained in Form of Compact Video Disc Identified as that of Zawahiri; Production Attributed to As-Sahaab Foundation for Islamic Media|| Tape Warns U.S. Deputies, Germany.. More

  • Sudan Regains Key Town From Rebels

    HIGLIGHTS: SPLA Claims it Has Made a 'Tactical Withdrawal'||Government Says Victory Followed Two Weeks of Intensive and Fierce Fighting||IGAD Says Peace Talks Would Resume Between Khartoum and the Rebels in Kenya Oct. 14|| STORY: Sudan said Tuesday that its military regained control of a southern town whose capture by rebels last month prompted the.. More

  • Sharon promises more khan younis massacres

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharonon Tuesday praised an Israeli raid that killed 14 Palestinians and wounded 80 and said there would be more operations in the Gaza Strip , but expressed regret for civilian casualties. The Palestinians, who are waging a two-year-old uprising against Israeli occupation, identified the dead and most of the wounded as civilians... More

  • Two Top Iraqi MPs Dismiss Bush's Speech as 'Lies'

    Two senior members of the Iraqi parliament on Tuesday dismissed as "full of lies" President Bush's speech in which he said Baghdad wanted to attack the United States with weapons of mass destruction. "Your speech Bush is full of lies and full of unreasonable argument," Abdul Aziz Kailani, the head of the religious affairs committee in the parliament,.. More

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