There are 416 articles

  • Evolving tactics of Syrian opposition fighters

    As violence appears to have escalated in Syria, the BBC's Ian Pannell reports on the situation in the north of the country, where he has just spent the last two weeks with some of the opposition fighting groups in Idlib province. The commander had "gone to ground" and we sat for endless tense hours in a breathless heat waiting for news. For.. More

  • Palestinian village faces demolition by Israel

    Palestinians in this hamlet have clung to their arid acres for decades, living without proper electricity or water while Israel provides both to Jewish settlers on nearby hills. But the end now seems near for Susiya: Demolition orders distributed last week by the Israelis aim to destroy virtually the entire village. Before it does, Israel could encounter.. More

  • On the front lines of Syria's guerrilla war

    Dawn broke over the northern mountains of Jabal al-Zawiya late last month to find a group of anti-government fighters hiding along a ridge line, waiting for their remote-controlled bomb to destroy an army convoy on the road below. The roughly 100 guerrillas were members of a larger group known as the Sham Falcons. Like many of the hundreds of ad hoc.. More

  • Glimpse of Syria's Qubayr massacre

    A young man describes how his town became the latest horrific headline to emerge from Syria. Mohammad, a 20-year-old from a small village in Hama province, left for work on Wednesday morning not knowing that he would find most residents of his town dead when he returned. When Mohammad came back to his house that night, he found the burned corpses.. More

  • Syria: 'Why is the world not doing anything to help us?'

    By Donatella Rovera "Why is the world not doing anything to help us? We demonstrated peacefully and from the first day we were beaten and shot at. Then the army came into our villages and fired at us with tanks and helicopters and burned and destroyed our homes. Is the world just going to keep watching and do nothing until we've all been.. More

  • Houla massacre

    The village of Taldou, near the town of Houla in Syria's Homs province was the scene of one of the worst massacres in the country's 14-month-long uprising. United Nations observers on the ground have confirmed that at least 108 people were killed, including 49 children and 34 women. Some were killed by shell fire, but the majority appear to have been.. More

  • Assad forces widen attacks after massacre

    With the international community expressing outrage over the massacre of at least 108 civilians in the village of Houla, fresh outbreaks of fighting were being reported in other conflict hotspots. On Monday, activists in the opposition stronghold of Hama reported an intensified government bombardment of the city, saying that at least 41 people had.. More

  • Did Egyptians vote against their revolution?

    The results of the first round of voting in Egypt's presidential elections appear to have taken many by surprise, both at home and abroad. Many had expected Egypt's first ever democratic presidential election would be the final battle in the war against the former regime, a battle Mubarak's allies were seemingly inevitably set to lose. But the result,.. More

  • Amid the ruins in Homs, Syrian anger burns

    Burnt houses, collapsed buildings and rubble line streets strewn with broken glass and spent shells in Homs' devastated neighborhoods, for months the front line in the revolution against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. On a 10-minute drive through Baba Amr district on Thursday, as journalists accompanied United Nations truce observers, two elderly.. More

  • Number of Palestinians on hunger strike hits 1,550

    At least 1,550 Palestinians in Israeli jails are now taking part in a mass hunger strike, Israel's Prison Service said on Wednesday, with two of them marking their 64th day without food. IPS spokeswoman Sivan Weizman told AFP another 100 prisoners had begun refusing food in the past two days, swelling the number of those on hunger strike to 1,550 --.. More

  • 'Hunger strike a signal to world's oppressed'

    Khader Adnan recounts his 66-day fast in Israeli jail that has made him a symbol of Palestinian resistance. When Palestinian hunger striker Khader Adnan called his mother at 11:30pm on Tuesday night, she burst into tears. "He told me, 'Mother I am on my way home,'" she said. “For the first time in months my heart was at ease again.".. More

  • Syria's carnival that ended in bloodshed

    The events in the New Clock Square on April 18, 2011, evoke both bitter and sweet memories for the thousands who participated in the largest demonstration in the city center since the country-wide uprising against President Bashar al-Assad had started. "It was a day where we thought the Syrian regime was two days from collapsing. A day when all.. More

  • Invasion by South Sudan army in Sudanese territory of Heglig

    In yet another unwarranted act of aggression, South Sudan and its proxy forces again heinously attacked and occupied Heglig on April 10th, an area that is indisputably a Sudanese territory. The assault comes in the midst of strenuous peace-building efforts exerted by the African Union High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) whose chairman recently.. More

  • Deir Yassin: No passing over history

    On April 9, 1948, scores of Palestinian civilians were massacred at the village of Deir Yassin through cooperative efforts of Yishuv forces like the Irgun, Lehi and the Haganah. The Zionist narrative on the events of 1948 and the Nakba - the Arabic word for the depopulation of Palestine - talks about the war as a defensive one where there was no intention.. More

  • Syria's greater revolution

    Veteran activists of the current Syrian uprising share their tales of struggle and revolution. The Syrian revolution began gradually; a protest in Damascus, the detention of teenage anti-regime graffitists in Dar’aa, and the subsequent mass rally for their release that led to a strong military reaction happened over just a few days and slowly.. More

Hajj virtues