There are 94 articles

  • "R" is for Ramadan and resolution – I

    It is customary among many peoples to set New Year resolutions. The majority of people lose their newfound resolve, however, within just a few months. This is mainly because few of us know how to set goals for our self-promises. Even less have an action plan to achieve them. The best time to set resolutions or renew intentions for Muslims is not in.. More

  • How we should receive Ramadan - II

    5. Receiving Ramadan by making the best use of time Time is very precious because every minute that passes can never return. Ramadan is also a means of success or failure, salvation or destruction… Amongst the obligatory and recommended acts of worship in Ramadan are: First: Fasting during the daytime: Allah The Almighty Says (what means):.. More

  • How we should receive Ramadan - I

    People have various ideas and ways of receiving the blessed month of Ramadan and invest this occasion in fulfilling their favorite actions and activities. Some of them make this an occasion for laziness, idleness, sleep and neglecting the different acts of obedience that they could otherwise be doing. Others find this a good opportunity for watching.. More

  • Let Them Rejoice at That

    Why should we rejoice at the coming of Ramadan? What is so special about this month which makes it distinct from all the others of the year? • We should rejoice at the coming of Ramadan and welcome it with a heart that abounds in faith, hoping for the rewards of Allah, the Exalted, and (observe fasting) as a response to the command of Allah the.. More

  • Ramadan—Its Virtues, Pillars, Benefits, Acts of the Sunnah and Disliked Issues

    Fasting is one of the great pillars of Islam and it is an indisputably established fact of the religion. This was indicated by the Quran, the Sunnah, and the consensus (of the Muslims). Many narrations were reported about its virtue. There is no doubt that this honorable act of worship has some conditions, pillars, obligations and recommendations that.. More

  • The Month of Repentance - II

    … Continue How can Allah The Exalted not call them to forgive them, while the most honored, noblest and the most righteous among them, Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who was forgiven his previous and future sins, repented to Allah The Almighty every single day. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): · {Indeed, We have.. More

  • The Month of Repentance - I

    The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity for returning to Allah The Almighty with repentance. It is the month of mercy, erasing mistakes, expiating evil deeds, salvation from Hellfire and attaining Paradise. The fortunate person is he who knows this and hastens to the actions that draw him near to His Lord by turning to Him in repentance, seeking.. More

  • What is Ramadan?

    Ramadan is that time of the year when Muslims recharge their spiritual batteries. For a whole month, they fast from dawn to sunset, and offer additional prayers at night. After the end of Ramadan comes one of the two Muslim festivals, a day of Eid. On this day, Muslims thank God for His guidance and grace in helping them to control their baser desires.. More

  • What You Are Required to Do in Ramadan

    Allah has made Saum (Fasting) obligatory for us as a way to worship Him. For our fast to be acceptable to Allah and beneficial to us our behavior during the fasting period (as most other times) should be as follows: 1. Guard the Salat; abandoning it is an act of disbelief. So, perform them on time and, for men, they should be performed at the Mosque. 2.. More

  • Some Weak Ahadith about Ramadan

    The weak ahadith which have become widespread amongst the people, at every level, are very many, to the point that very few manage to mention anything authentic - despite its being plentiful also. May Allah have mercy upon the Imam 'Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak who said: "There is sufficiency in the authentic ahadith so there is no need for what is.. More

  • Speak Kindly to People – II

    The people most worthy of being treated with kindness and noble morals are one's parents, to whom Allah The Almighty enjoined dutifulness and kind treatment. This includes choosing good words when talking to them. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether.. More

  • Speak Kindly to People - I

    The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of generosity, charity and competing in doing good deeds whether verbal or practical. Among the verbal good deeds is speaking kind words that do not harm. It is known that the words uttered by man are recorded and preserved in a book; My Lord neither errs nor forgets. This fact was stated in the Quran in the.. More

  • Make the Most of the Season of Blessings

    Ramadan is a blessed season, whose motto is, “Whoever sights the new moon of the month, let him fast it (that month).” Its age is a limited number of days. Its aim is that you become righteous. Its call is, “O seeker of good, proceed! O seeker of evil, desist!” Amongst the favors and bounties of Allah The Almighty are that He.. More

  • The Devils are Shackled, Ramadan is Here - I

    Ramadan is a month in which the devils are shackled, as the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, informed us. Indeed, the chaining of the devils is one of the greatest means of overcoming them and shielding oneself against their perils. Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • The Devils are Shackled, Ramadan is Here - III

    As for whispers in Ramadan, scholars said that there are different kinds of whispers, some of which are pathological whispers (compulsive), whispers of the inner self, and devilish whispers. Pathological whispers are compulsive obsessions that a person cannot ward off completely, until he/she receives the due treatment. Whispers of the inner self.. More

Hajj virtues