There are 2024 articles

  • Palestinian minors arrested by Israel 'suffer abuse'

    Mohammed, 14, was with his friends riding horses in a park in Jerusalem's Old City when the Yassam, a special patrol unit of the Israeli police, arrived at the scene. Sound grenades were fired at the teenagers. One landed near Mohammed's feet. He picked up a rock and threw it in the direction of the notorious riot police, whose excessive force against.. More

  • Follow their Footprints

    There have been people who insisted on leaving their imprints on life, and this is why history has immortalized their mention. They formed the civilization of their Ummah (nation); their renaissance became a source of goodness and light for the entire world, and they were the lanterns which lit the way for the West during their age of darkness. Al-Hasan.. More

  • Israel closes Palestinian media groups in West Bank

    The Israeli army closed several Palestinian media companies in the occupied West Bank in a wave of raids overnight Tuesday, drawing criticism from the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Israeli military authority in the occupied territories, COGAT, said in a statement that they raided eight Palestinian companies, accusing them of inciting violence against.. More

  • The Explanation of Soorat Al-Bayyinah (Clear Evidence) – I

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful 1. Those who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists were not to be parted [from disbelief] until there came to them clear evidence — 2. A Messenger from Allah, reciting purified scriptures. 3. Within which are correct writings [i.e. rulings and laws]. 4... More

  • History of the Sunnah -II: The era of the Companions and their followers

    Most scholars group the main aspects of the methodology of the Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, in preserving the Sunnah into the following seven categories: prudence in narrating the hadeeths, verification and substantiation of the hadeeths before accepting them, critique, discussions and assessment of the narration, traveling for search.. More

  • Belief in the Hereafter

    Belief in the Hereafter is one of the six pillars of Islamic belief required of a Muslim in order to complete his faith. The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, informed us about the events of the unseen which will occur after death. This fundamental belief is only completed when one has firm faith in his heart in all those matters about which.. More

  • Army offensive aimed at 'preventing' Rohingya return

    Myanmar security forces have carried out "well-organised, coordinated and systematic" attacks aimed at preventing Rohingya ethnic group from returning, the UN Human Rights office said in a report on Wednesday. The report based on interviews with Rohingya who arrived in Bangladesh in the past month, said that "clearance operations".. More

  • Healing trauma: The long road ahead for Rohingya

    Inside a colorful bamboo structure in Balukhali camp, groups of children sit on the floor, engrossed in board games, plastic animals and other activities. Two scamper about in costumes - one dressed as Nemo, the other as a lion. Tacked on the walls are vivid crayon drawings - the only explicit reminders of the violence these Rohingya children have witnessed. .. More

  • The Prayer: Its prerequisites and essentials – I

    In Islam, performing the Prayer is the most important, mandatory act after the testimony of faith. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the Prayer...”[At-Tirmithi] It is the last thing, the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, recommended to his nation before he, sallallaahu.. More

  • How to deal with bad in-Laws

    Question I have two questions: 1. My sister-in-law (husband’s sister) treated me in a bad way and would yell at me and humiliate me in front of everyone. People used to ask me how she was with me. I only spoke the truth and said what she did to me, and I did not lie. I heard that it is okay to do that to get back at the oppressor. Is this true?.. More

  • Da'wah priorities in the Quran

    Da'wah is an Arabic word which comes close to the word "invite" or "invitation" in English. The understanding of the usage of the word "Da'wah" with regard to the faith of Islam is that it is the responsibility of the Muslims to "invite" all humanity to the way of Islam, i.e., submission to the One True God (Allah.. More

  • Grave Consequences of Bad Manners

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, guided his Ummah (nation) to everything that is good and warned them against everything that is evil. Bad morals are among the things which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, warned us against. They are detestable and indicate an unrighteous demeanor that usually arises from the unsoundness.. More

  • Steadfastness on the Truth

    People who abide by what is right are most resolute in terms of keeping to their words and beliefs, despite the afflictions they may experience – this is exactly what “steadfastness on the truth” symbolizes. Staying firm on what is upright has been a characteristic of the righteous since the initiation of the blessed propagation of.. More

  • Conceit - II

    Difference between confidence in Allah The Almighty and conceit Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy upon him, says, "He who has confidence in Allah The Almighty does what He has commanded him to and is certain that He will make him taste the fruit of his deeds. He is like one who plants a tree and seeds the land [awaiting the inevitable harvest]... More

  • Conceit – I

    There is no doubt that depravity is detrimental to both individuals and communities. When they deviate from noble morals and the disease of immorality becomes epidemic, they grow vulnerable to division and collapse that, in turn, threatens their very existence. Conceit is one such moral weakness that gravely afflicts the person as well as society at.. More

Hajj virtues