The White House has delivered a report to the
The report on Friday came less than 24 hours after George Bush,
In the report, ordered by congress, the White House concluded that the Iraqi government had made satisfactory progress on nine out of 18 political and security benchmarks.
It outlined unsatisfactory progress in seven areas and said it had been unable to rate two others.
Democrats in control of the congress had insisted on a review of Iraqi efforts to achieve national reconciliation as a condition for continued funding for a build-up of
The shortfalls in the Iraqi government's performance underscored the challenges Bush faces in selling his strategy to skeptical Democrat politicians and an American public increasingly opposed to the war.
The report gave a satisfactory grade for progress in ensuring the rights of minority political parties, for advances toward easing curbs on former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath party joining the military and civil service, and for providing three Iraqi brigades to support a security crackdown in
It deemed unsatisfactory the Iraqi efforts to enact crucial oil-sharing legislation, to increase the number of Iraqi security force units able to operate independently and to get rid of sectarian bias in the
Previous independent assessments had painted a much bleaker picture of a dysfunctional government making scant progress on reconciliation and curbing violence.
However, Steny Hoyer, the House of Representatives Democratic leader, accused the Bush administration of "attempting to paint a far rosier picture of Iraqi progress on key benchmarks than is justified by the reality on the ground."
Bush said security improvements had made it possible to start bringing troops home, but he defied calls for a dramatic change of course in the unpopular war.
The withdrawal will decrease troop strengths from the current 169,000 to around the same levels the
Anti-war Democrats responded with increased demands for a faster, broader withdrawal.
Dick Cheney,
Speaking in
Limited withdrawal
The report followed a televised prime-time address by Bush on Thursday night in which he embraced recommendations by his top commander in
Iraqi policeman