Ramadan: A Great Opportunity to Achieve Taqwa - I
The month of Ramadan is approaching with its blessings of goodness and purity to inculcate in man willpower, composure, and determination. Ramadan equips Muslims with the art of endurance and stamina to face all adversities and overcome all obstacles and difficulties...
Invalidators of Fasting
Question: What invalidates fasting? Answer: The invalidators of fasting are as follows: 1- Sexual intercourse 2- Eating 3- Drinking 4- Ejaculation of semen with desire 5- What may be regarded as (a substitute for) food and drink 6- Intentional vomiting 7- Blood coming out (of the body) by means of cupping 8- Blood coming out during menstrual and post-partum periods As for eating, drinking and intercourse, the relevant proof is found in the noble...

Between Hope and Fear in the Last Days of Ramadan - II
Once Ramadan is over, what do you do? You give up standing (at night in prayer), fasting, remembrance (of Allah The Almighty) and recitation of the Quran. This is the dark state which afflicts the believers after Ramadan as if they have neither stood (in prayer),...
Fasting of diabetic pregnant wife
Question: As-salam, As per your fatwa no. 81573 about Pregnant Woman Fasting in Ramadan, it is stated that..."If the pregnant woman fears for her life or for the life of her foetus when she fasts, it is lawful for her to break the fast and make up later the same number of days she had missed to fast during Ramadan". It is understood that, basically the women should fast and in event of fear only, she should break the fast. Would you please explain...