Seek Nothing but Al-Firdaws - II

Seek Nothing but Al-Firdaws - II

Dear reader,

Great ambition takes great will,

Let us ask ourselves,

If it is possible to be in the highest Firdaws and accompany the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) and his Companions for eternity, and to be beside the Throne of the Most-Merciful Allah, why do you choose to be in a lower rank?

Have you read the words of Ibn Al-Jawzi  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him who wrote, “One of the signs of the perfection of the mind is to have high aspirations. One who accepts lowly matters is a lowly person.” [Sayd Al-Khaatir]

Allah The Almighty forbids that we should construe that the lower degrees of Paradise are lowly, but what is meant is that there are higher degrees.

It is true that all the dwellers of Paradise see the Face of Allah The Almighty; however, this will happen more frequently for the dwellers of Firdaws because they will be granted it every day. This will take place after the people of Paradise have settled in Paradise and the people of Hell have settled in Hell. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “When the people of Paradise have entered Paradise and the people of Hell have entered Hell, a caller will say, ‘O people of Paradise, you have a promise with Allah that He wants to fulfill for you.’ They will say, ‘What is it? Has He not made our scales (of good deeds) heavy, brightened our faces, admitted us to Paradise, and saved us from Hell?’ Then, the Screen will be removed and they will look at Him. By Allah, there is nothing that Allah has granted them that is more beloved to them or more comforting for their eyes than looking to Him.” [Al-Albaani: Saheeh] This is what is meant by “extra” in the verse in which Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {For them who have done good is the best [reward] and extra. ….} [Quran 10:26]

Do you not long to see Allah The Almighty in Paradise?

Do you not wish to see Him every day?

This is a privilege for the dwellers of the highest Firdaws. I conclude my journey with you in Paradise with this wonderful Hadeeth about the last person to enter Paradise so you will know the pleasure that has been conferred upon him.

The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said:

Among the inhabitants of Paradise the lowest in rank will be a man whose face Allah will turn away from Hell towards Paradise, and make a shady tree appear before him. He will say, "O my Lord, bring me closer to this tree so that I may be in its shade." Allah will Say: "If I do, will you ask Me for something else?" The man will reply, “No, by Your Glory I will not.” Allah will bring him closer to it and make a shady and fruity tree appear before him. The man will say, "O my Lord, bring me closer to this tree so that I may be in its shade and eat from its fruits." Allah will Say: "If I do, will you ask Me for something else?" The man will reply, ‘No, by Your Glory I will not.’ Allah will bring him closer to it and make a shady and fruity tree with water beside it appear before him. The man will say, ‘O my Lord, bring me closer to this tree so that I may be in its shade and eat from its fruits and drink from its water.’ Allah will Say: "If I do, will you ask Me for something else?" The man will reply, ‘No, by Your Glory I will not.’ Allah will bring him closer to it so the gate of Paradise appears to him. He would say, ‘O my Lord, bring me closer to the gate of Paradise to be under its curtains seeing its people.’ Allah will bring Him closer to it, so he will see Paradise and what is in it. He will say, ‘O my Lord admit me to Paradise.’ He would be admitted to Paradise. When he enters Paradise, he would say, ‘This is for me!’ Allah will Say to him, “Ask.” Allah will remind him to ask for such and such until all his wishes come to an end. Allah will Say to him “This is for you and ten times like it.” Then, Allah will admit him to Paradise and let his two wives of the Hoor enter upon him saying, ‘Praise be to Allah who has made you live for us and made us live for you.’ He will say, “There is no one granted the like of what I have been granted.” [Muslim]

We believe in the Attributes of Allah The Exalted that occur in the Quran and authentic Ahaadeeth (narrations) of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) without distorting their wordings or meanings, nor denying, nor asking how, nor drawing resemblance between Allah The Exalted and any of His creation.

Seek Nothing but Al-Firdaws - I

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