A Way to Encourage Me to Memorize the Noble Quran

A Way to Encourage Me to Memorize the Noble Quran


I am a twenty-year-old girl and I have joined a religious class for the memorization of the Noble Quran before Ramadan, but I stopped attending the class because the time was not convenient for me in this month. I would like to know a way to encourage me to memorize the Noble Quran completely, especially in this blessed month of Ramadan and before it ends. I would also like to know when exactly the supplications of a fasting person are accepted; is it before the Athaan (call to prayer) for Maghrib (sunset prayer) or during the Athaan? I also hope that you supplicate Allah The Exalted for me to grant me the husband I wish, i.e. my maternal cousin and help him obtain the needed requirements for marriage, unite us with the sacred bond of marriage and bless us. May Allah The Exalted reward you and render your commendable efforts in your records of good deeds. May Allah grant you steadfastness, help you to remember, worship and thank Him duly.
In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful
Dear sister,
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum,
First, we would like to welcome you to your very own website, Islamweb. We are pleased to receive your questions on our website, may Allah bless you. We implore Allah The Exalted to render you a good example for others to follow, and make it easy for you to memorize, understand and act upon the Noble Quran. We ask Allah The Almighty to render you among the people of the Quran, who are the people of Allah and His elite, who will be granted the honor of intercession on the Day of Resurrection.
Dear sister, undeniably, memorizing the Noble Quran is a blessing and one of the greatest acts of obedience. If one aspires to achieve such a goal, he should strive hard and be willing to sacrifice his time and effort for it. Memorizing the Noble Quran requires allocating time daily to memorize and another time slot to revise what one has already memorized so as not to forget it. Therefore, you should set a new timetable, allocating adequate time to memorize the Quran. I would like to give you some tips that will facilitate the memorization of the Noble Quran, Allah willing:
1 – Devote your intention solely to Allah The Exalted in dedication and sincerity: You should offer this act solely to Allah The Exalted in devotion.
2 – Learn the correct pronunciation and recitation of the Quran:
This can be achieved through getting the help of those who have mastered the pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. It is not enough to depend on yourself or listen to a tape to fulfill this task. Learning the recitation of the Noble Quran should be through direct verbal contact.
3 – Determine a daily portion for memorization:
You should allocate a certain number of verses, a page or two, for example, of the Quran to memorize per day, according to your abilities.
4 – Revise the portion you have already memorized of the Noble Quran.
5 – One thing that will help in memorizing the Quran is to have one's own Mus-haf (copy of the Quran) i.e., choosing a specific edition and never changing it. This is because people learn as much by looking as by listening so that the pattern of the verses and where they appear on the pages of the Mus-haf will be retained in the mind as one reads and looks at the Mus-haf.
6 – Understanding is the key to memorization; for it is easier to memorize what one understands. 
7 – Try to find the connection between the beginning and end of the Chapter (Surah) that you are memorizing so that the whole Chapter becomes one cohesive unit in your mind.
8 – Continually following up:
You should revise and ponder over what you have memorized regularly.
9 – Implore Allah The Exalted persistently to help you memorize the Noble Quran and make it easy for you.
One should learn the correct recitation of the words of the Quran. It is better to recite one part of the Noble Quran daily and thus one can recite the whole Noble Quran each month. If you can recite more than one part a day, you may read two or three parts per day, especially in this holy month of Ramadan, as many of our righteous predecessors did. Dear sister, you should recite more parts of the Noble Quran daily in Ramadan when rewards are doubled. At other times of the year, it is better to recite one part a day and be persistent in performing this act of worship throughout the whole year.
This Hadeeth (narration) indicates that the supplications of the fasting person are answered all day long until he breaks his fast. However, the other version of the Hadeeth denotes that the supplications of the fasting person are answered when he breaks his fast. The supplications of the fasting person are more likely to be accepted at those times, although they may be answered all day and night as well. You will be fasting during the day and praying at night and these are great acts of worship. Allah The Exalted will not reject the supplications of the doers of good.

As for your question about the time of accepting the supplications in Ramadan, it lasts all day long. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said:
We promise to supplicate Allah The Exalted for you to unite you and your cousin in marriage. It is your choice and we merely implore Him to grant you what you wish for, Allah willing.


Finally, we ask Allah The Almighty, The Lord of the Mighty Throne, to facilitate the memorization of the Quran for you, facilitate your marriage to your cousin, and bring you together soon; for He is The Most Generous.
May Allah grant us success.

“…until he breaks his fast (in another narration, when he breaks the fast)…”

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