Correct Answers to Questions about Takbeer of ‘Eed Prayer - II

Correct Answers to Questions about Takbeer of ‘Eed Prayer - II

1-   One should not raise his hands with the Takbeers

This is the opinion of the Maaliki scholars as stated in ‘Aqd Al-Jawaahir.
They argued that there is no authentic tradition stating that the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ), used to raise his hands with the Takbeers. Maalik  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said, “One should not raise his hands with any of the ‘Eed Prayers’ Takbeers, except the opening Takbeer.” [Al-Mudawwanah]
This opinion was chosen by Ibn Hazm Ath-Thaahiri in Al-Muhalla.
Shaykh Al-Albaani  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him judged the tradition which states that Ibn ‘Umar  may  Allah  be  pleased  with  him used to raise his hands with each Takbeer in the funeral prayer, as weak, refuting the opinion of Shaykh Ibn Baaz  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him who judged the same tradition as authentic. [Irwaa’ Al-Ghaleel]
He said:
It is absolutely wrong to judge this Hadeeth as Saheeh as some revered scholars do, as it is known to any well-versed scholar in this science. [Ahkaam Al-Janaa’iz]
He also said:
This is not an act of the Sunnah as it was not reported from the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) and the fact that ‘Umar and his son ‘Abdullaah  may  Allah  be  pleased  with  them both, used to do so does not make it a Sunnah. [Tamaam Al-Minnah]
He also said:
There is no evidence in the Sunnah proving the permissibility of raising the hands except with the opening Takbeer. This is the opinion of the Hanafi scholars and others. It was also chosen by Ash-Shawkaani and Ibn Hazm. [Ahkaam Al-Janaa’iz]
Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-‘Abbaad said, “To the best of my knowledge, there is no evidence that proves the permissibility of raising the hands with the Takbeers of the ‘Eed Prayers.”
Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajoori said, “As for raising the hands in prayer, there is no evidence proving that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) used to do so except in the opening Takbeer.”
He also said, “There is no authentic Hadeeth stating that the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ), used to raise his hands in the ‘Eed Prayer, but this was reported from Ibn ‘Umar  may  Allah  be  pleased  with  him with a weak chain of narrators.” [Tayseer Hifth Salaat An-Nabiyy]
The preponderant opinion:
The second opinion is the preponderant one, and Allah knows best. That is because this act was not reported from the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ).
However, there is no harm if one raised his hands with the Takbeers, as stated by Shaykh Saalih Al-Luhaydaan in his lectures at Al-Masjid Al-Haraam (1424 A.H.)
Question 1:              
When one raises his hands with the Takbeers, should he let them loose or put one over the other on his chest after he finishes?
The answer:
As we said before, there is no harm if one adopted the opinion of the Hanafi, Hanbali, Shaafi‘i scholars in addition to Ibn Al-Qayyim, Ibn Qudaamah, At-Tahaawi, Ibn Baaz and Al-Fawzaan. In such a case, when he finishes each Takbeer, should he let his hands loose or put one over the other on his chest?
Scholars of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) held different opinions regarding this issue:
Some of them were of the opinion that one should put one of his hands over the other on his chest, as stated by the Hanafi scholars in Haashiyat Ibn ‘Aabideen.
However, others said that one should let his hands ‎loose, as stated by the Shaafi‘i scholars in Al-Haawi.‎
The preponderant opinion:
The preponderant opinion in this regard is that this issue is optional.
Question 2:              
What should we say in between the Takbeers?
The answers:
There are two opinions regarding what one should say in between the Takbeers as follows:
1-   He should say nothing
This is the opinion of the Hanafi scholars as stated in Haashiyat Ibn ‘Aabideen, and the Maaliki scholars as stated in ‘Iqd Al-Jawaahir.
Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said, “There is no supplication, Thikr or anything said in between the Takbeers.” [Al-Kaafi]
2-   One is recommended to say Tahleel, Takbeer, and praise Allah The Almighty.
This is the opinion of the Shaafi‘i scholars as stated in Al-Haawi and Al-Umm, and the Hanbali scholars as stated in Al-Mughni.
They relied on a tradition narrated from Ibn Mas’ood  may  Allah  be  pleased  with  him. He was asked about what should be said in between the Takbeers, and he said, “He should praise Allah The Almighty, thank Him and invoke blessings and peace upon the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ).” [At-Tabaraani (Al-Albaani: Saheeh)]
This opinion was chosen by Ash-Shawkaani in Nayl Al-Awtaar, the Permanent Committee for Fatwa, and Shaykh Al-Fawzaan in Al-Mulakhkhas Al-Fiqhi. Al-Fawzaan said:
It is an act of the Sunnah for one to say in between the Takbeers, Allahu Akbaru Kabeera, Wal-Hamdu Lillaahi Katheera, Wa Subhaan Allahi Bukratan Wa Aseela, wa salla Allah ‘ala Muhammad an-nabiyy wa ‘ala aalihi wa sallam tasleeman katheera (Allah is The Greatest and greatness is for Him. All praise is due to Him. Allah Is free from imperfection all the time and may Allah confer His peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his family). [Al-Mulakhkhas Al-Fiqhi]
Is it permissible for one to say a supplication other than the one mentioned above?
The answer:
The Permanent Committee for Fatwas said, “To the best of our knowledge, there is no specific Sunnah in this respect.”
Shaykh Al-Fawzaan said, “There is no harm if one chose another supplication, because there is no specified supplication.” [Al-Mulakhkhas Al-Fiqhi]
Question 3: 
What should one do if he forgets the Takbeers?
The answer:
Muslim jurists held different opinions regarding what one should do if he commenced the recitation and then forgot the Takbeers. There are two opinions in this respect:
1-   He should stop the recitation once he remembers, say the Takbeers, recite again and later offer the Sujood of Sahw (forgetfulness) at the end of the prayer.
This is the opinion of the Hanafi scholars as stated in Badaa’i‘ As-Sanaa’i‘, the Maaliki scholars as stated in ‘Iqd Al-Jawaahir, and the Shaafi‘i scholars as stated in Fat-h Al-‘Azeez and the Hanbali scholars as stated in Ash-Sharh Al-Kabeer.
Al-Kisaa’i also chose this opinion in Badaa’i‘ As-Sanaa’i‘ and Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr in Al-Kaafi.
They argued that the Takbeers should be made in the standing posture, which has not been missed yet, so, Takbeer can be made.
2-   He should not return to make Takbeer, and at the end of the prayer, he may or may not make the Sujood of forgetfulness‎.
This is an opinion of the Shaafi‘i scholars and it was chosen by An-Nawawi  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him in Al-Majmoo‘ and Al-Athkaar.
It is also an opinion of the Hanbali School of Fiqh, and it was chosen by Ibn Qudaamah  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him in Al-Mughni.
They argued that the place of the Takbeers is before the recitation and it has been missed, adding that this supplication is an act of Sunnah just like the opening supplication; hence, if its place was missed, one should not return to it.
The preponderant opinion:
The second opinion is the preponderant one and Allah knows best.
Ash-Shawkaani  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said, “Apparently, Takbeers are not obligatory according to the opinion of the majority of scholars, because there is no evidence proving their obligation.” [Nayl Al-Awtaar]
This opinion was chosen by Shaykh Al-Fawzaan in Al-Mulakhkhas Al-Fiqhi.

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