… Continued
8- To eat from the food that is closest. This is a refined table manner and is in view of the statement of the Messenger of Allah to the boy (mentioned earlier in point number 5): "… and eat from the spot of the dish that is nearer to you." [Al-Bukhari & Muslim] but an exception is made when there are different kinds of food, in which case, it is permissible, according to the scholars, to not do so.
9- To eat from the sides rather than the middle of the bowl. This is in response to the prophetic command: "Eat from the sides rather than the middle of the bowl since the blessing always descends in its middle." [Ahmad]
10- To avoid reclining while eating because it is proven from the Messenger of Allah that he said: "I never eat while reclining." [Al-Bukhari]
11- To avoid eating while lying flat on the stomach as this violates the guidance of the Messenger of Allah who forbade two kinds of eating: to eat on a table on which wine is served, and to eat while lying flat on the stomach. [Abu Daawood; Al-Albaani: Hasan (Sound)]
12- To avoid taking two dates together at once. He forbade it in his saying: "He who shares eating dates with some people should not take two dates together at once. If he really wants to do so, he should ask their permission first, and if he is permitted, then he may do so." [Ibn Hibbaan] [Al-Albaani: Saheeh (Authentic)] It was said that this is exclusively applicable to dates. But according to another opinion, it is common to all fruits, and this is more correct, and Allah knows best.
13- Not to be excessive in eating, in view of the prophetic statement: "Man has never filled a vessel worse than his abdomen even though a few morsels to sustain his body would be sufficient for him." [At-Tirmithi; Al-Albaani: Saheeh (Authentic)]
14- To lick the dish in order to seek the remaining food in it. It is narrated in an authentic Hadeeth from the Messenger of Allah that he said: "And let anyone of you wipe off the dish, for you do not know in which part of your food the blessing lies." [Muslim]
15- To lick the fingers before wiping or washing them, thereby to seek the blessing of food and revive the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah . Anas Ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Whenever he
ate food (and finished from it), he would lick his three fingers." [Muslim]
Third: Etiquettes to be observed after eating
1- To thank Allah The Almighty for His favor. It was the habit of the Prophet to say after he ate or drank: "Al-hamdu lillaahi allathi at‘ama wa saqa, wa sawwaghahu, wa ja‘ala lahu makhraja. (All perfect praise be to Allah who has provided us with food and drink, made it palatable, and made a way out for (the waste matter of) it)." [Abu Daawood; Al-Albaani: Saheeh (Authentic)] He
also said: "He who eats food and then says 'Al-hamdu lillaahi allathi at‘amani hatha at-ta‘aam wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minni wa la quwwah' (All perfect praise be to Allah who has fed me and provided me with it, with no strength nor power on my part) - all his previous sins would be forgiven for him." [Abu Daawood] [Al-Albaani: Hasan (Sound)]
2- To supplicate to Allah for the provider of the food. Once, the Messenger of Allah took a meal in the house of one of his Companions, may Allah be pleased with him, and when he finished he supplicated saying: "Aftara ‘indakum as-saa’imoon wa akala ta‘aamakum al-abraar wa sallat ‘alaykum al-malaa’ikah. (May the fasting (people) break their fast in your house, the righteous eat your food, and the angels pray for you).” [Abu Daawood; Al-Albaani: Saheeh (Authentic)]
3- To avoid sitting for a long time after finishing the meal if one eats in the house of another, due to the statement of Allah The Almighty (which means): {And when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation.} [Quran 33:53]
My blessed brother and sister, there are further etiquettes we have not dealt with here because you probably know them very well and they are too well-known to be included in this short article. So, please take heed of them as well.
Finally we say: take your meal with satisfaction! May Allah make your food pleasant and accept your fasting. Do not forget your Ummah (Muslim nation) in a good and true supplication, with which you implore your Lord.