Emergence of Ad-Dajjaal (Antichrist): The First Sign of the Hour - III

Protection against Ad-Dajjaal:

Although the trial of Ad-Dajjaal is very difficult, the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) taught us how to protect ourselves from it. In light of the Sunnah, the most important ways to protect us against the great trial of Ad-Dajjaal are:

1- Committing the physical description of Ad-Dajjaal to memory: The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) was very keen on telling the Muslims about the unique physical characteristics of Ad-Dajjaal, so that when he emerges people would know him for sure. That is why scholars stressed the importance of spreading the prophetic Hadeeths that speak about Ad-Dajjaal to urge the Ummah to know him and memorize these Hadeeths.

2- Ask for the protection of Allah The Exalted against Ad-Dajjaal, especially in the Prayers, as the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) used to supplicate in his prayers, “Oh Allah! I seek Your Protection against the torment of the grave and against the trial of Ad-Dajjaal.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) also urged us to make this supplication always after the Tashahhud in prayer. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said, “When anyone of you is finished with saying Tashahhud [in Prayers], he should ask for the Protection of Allah against four things saying: ‘Oh my Lord! I seek Your Protection against the torment of Hell, the torment of the grave, the trial of life and death, and from the evil of the trial of Ad-Dajjaal.” [Muslim]

3- Learn by heart and recite the first ten verses of the Soorah of Al-Kahf. In a Hadeeth on the authority of Abu Ad-Dardaa’, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said, “The one who has memorized the first ten verses of the Soorah of Al-Kahf will be protected from Ad-Dajjaal (from his trials).” [Muslim] Imaam An-Nawawi  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him commented, “These ten verses speak about miracles and signs, so whoever contemplates them will not be affected by the trial of Ad-Dajjaal.”

4- Flee from Ad-Dajjaal and keep far away from him when he emerges: The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said, “Whoever hears of Ad-Dajjaal, let him keep far away from him, for by Allah, a man will come to him thinking himself to be a believer but will follow him because of the doubts that he will raise.” [Abu Daawood]

5- Doing good deeds and busying oneself in worship: Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said, “Hasten to do good deeds before six things happen: The rising of the sun from the west, the smoke, Ad-Dajjaal, the Beast and (the death) of one of you, or public turmoil.” [Muslim]

The end of Ad-Dajjaal:

Out of His Mercy, Allah The Almighty Would Make the end of Ad-Dajjaal at the hand of ‘Eesa (Jesus), may Allah exalt his mention. The coincidence between the descent of ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt his mention, and the emergence of Ad-Dajjaal would strengthen the Muslims, as they would take him as a role model. In addition, ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt his mention, would refute the deceptive claims of Ad-Dajjaal with the signs of guidance. Hence, Allah The Exalted Would Give ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt his mention, the power to chase and kill Ad-Dajjaal at Baab Ludd (a mountain in Ash-Shaam region) saving people from his evils.

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said, “…and then ‘Eesa son of Maryam would descend …. when the enemy of Allah would see him, he would dissolve just as salt dissolves in water and if he (‘Eesa, may Allah exalt his mention) were not to confront him at all, he would dissolve until he perishes, but Allah would kill him by his (‘Eesa’s) hand and he would show them their blood on his lance (the lance of ‘Eesa, may Allah exalt his mention).” [Muslim]

An-Nawwaas ibn Sam‘aan, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said, “…then ‘Eesa, son of Maryam, will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus. He will then search for Ad-Dajjaal until he will catch hold of him at the Gate of Ludd, and will kill him.” [Abu Daawood]

Following the death of Ad-Dajjaal and what follows of the destruction of Gog and Magog, peace would reign on earth and people would lead a luxurious life safe from Fitnahs. In a Hadeeth on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said, “The Prophets are paternal brothers and their mothers are different. I, more than any of humankind, have more right to ‘Eesa, son of Maryam. He will descend, and if you see him, know him. He is a well-built man, (the color of his skin) between red and white. His head appears to be dripping water, even though no moisture touched it. He will break the cross, kill the pig, and banish the Jizyah and will call the people to Islam. During his time, Allah Will Destroy all religions except Islam and Allah will destroy the one-eyed and liar Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjaal. Allah The Almighty Will then Send safety on the earth, so much so that lions will mingle with camels, tigers with cattle and wolves with sheep. Children will play with snakes, and they will not harm them.” [At-Tayaalisi and Ibn Hibbaan]

This is the accursed Ad-Dajjaal, whom Allah The Almighty Would Make a trial for His servants to test the strength of their faith, certitude and adherence to their religion. No one would be saved from this trial except those who sought shelter in adherence to the Book of Allah and Sunnah of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ).


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