1. Women
  2. In Depth

There are 2016 articles

  • Warning against Shirk in the Noble Quran

    If murder and genocide are crimes denounced by humanity, Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) is the greatest crime of all, as the former are crimes perpetrated against man, while the latter is committed against Allah, the Almighty. Allah’s rights are greater than those of man, as Allah created man, provided him with.. More

  • Cheerfulness Brings About Amicability

    When you meet a person and you feel that he is pleased to meet you by smiling at you, dealing with you in courtesy, and seeming to be delighted, surely you rejoice and feel comfortable. However, if he meets you with a frowning face, you turn away from him and you do not like meeting him, even if you are getting some benefits from this meeting. Ibn.. More

  • How to Think?

    By: Dr. Tarek Alghannam Thinking is a complex intellectual process that is too difficult to be defined, as difficult as its hidden content, even though it can be said: "It is an invisible and intangible automatic brain activity that characterizes one person from another." It can also be said that there are ways of thinking that we might.. More

  • Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa: The Cause of Every Muslim

    Author: IslamWeb Today’s discussion revolves around Palestine, Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa, focusing on the plight of our Muslim brothers and sisters there. They endure atrocities such as killings, missile strikes, house demolitions, and displacement amidst daily obstinacy, insults, abuses, aggressions, and betrayal. Based on the principle that those.. More

  • How to Explain Our Ideas?

    By: Dr. Tarek Alghannam Many of us may have ambition and hopes to skip the reality of working along with its difficulties and routines to a broad and new horizon, where a person can achieve his aspirations, realize his ambitions and dreams, and contributes to the development of his country. However, not all of us can fulfill our hopes; some of us stop.. More

  • Watch Your Way

    By: A group of articles by Mr. Mahmoud Mohamed Shaker Since Islam religion was revealed on Earth, it spread north, south, east, and west, crossing the boundaries of the surrounding countries. Islam has cleansed and purged many countries from polytheism, atheism, and calling for gods other than Allah. However, enmity has always gathered against Islam.. More

  • The Refugees to the Cave

    By: Dr. Hamza ibn Faye’ Al-Fathi Writer’s Name: Dr. Hamza ibn Faye’ Al-Fathi They were in a cave; just imagine its darkness, narrowness, and frightfulness; however, the cave was full of mercies, full of lights, and flows with blessings, while there are people who have been living in their dark caves of life, miserable livelihoods.. More

  • Enduring what your child enjoys

    When Allah the Almighty bestows upon someone the blessing of children, He in fact has conferred the best worldly adornment upon him, especially if those children are healthy and lively like all normal children. It is a great pleasure for us to see them grow day by day and we are always eager to observe their every next development. Today, the teeth.. More

  • The reasons for the revelation of the verse: 'They ask you about the spoils of war'

    Al-Anfal is an Arabic term that translates to the spoils of war. It refers to the property left behind by enemies captured by Muslims during their Jihad (fighting against their enemies); the ruling on it was mentioned in the Quran. Allah the Exalted Says (what means): {They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the spoils [of war]. Say, "The [decision concerning].. More

  • Considering the individual differences between family members

    When Allah the Almighty created all things and gave them of His bounties, they came to be different from each other. Allah the Almighty mentions that difference in the Quran (what means): {And [We] have raised some of them above others in degrees [of rank]} [Quran 43:32] This excelling may be related to physical skill, depth of knowledge, intellectual.. More

  • Quran: The Way to Salvation

    The Book of Allah is the rain that brings forth true life on Earth. I bear witness that there is no deity besides Allah—alone, who has no partner, no equal; Lord of the Messengers, Creator of the heavens and the earths. I bear witness that Muhammad is His devoted-servant and His Messenger sent with a Clear Book that separates guidance from misguidance,.. More

  • Seek forgiveness and do not Despair

    Here is a Qudsi Hadeeth (sacred narration) that gives boundless hope to believers, and it depicts the depth of Almighty Allah's Great Forgiveness and Mercy. The subject of this article is the discussion that is based on this Qudsi Hadeeth that is reffered below. Anas, may Allaah be pleased with him, reported:‘I heard the Messenger of Allah,.. More

  • Repentance and reliance Increase the believer's blessings

    In the context of Prophet Nooh (Noah), may Allaah exalt his mention, Allah the Almighty Says (what means): {And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers.And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers}[Qura.. More

  • Intermixing between non-mahram men and women

    Intermixing between women and non-mahram (marriageable) men occurs in some communities without being considered a problem, under the pretext that it is the custom of their fathers and grandfathers and that their intentions are good. In such communities, you see the woman sitting with her husband’s brother or her sister’s husband or with.. More

  • Maintaining discipline in worship

    'Abdullah would rise before Fajr (dawn) each morning and rush to the Masjid to offer the prayer. He would return to the Masjid for Maghrib (sunset) and 'Ishaa' (night) prayers as well. He read the Quran daily. He studied other Islamic books in his spare time. He spent much of his free time with his family and took his role as the spiritual leader in.. More