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There are 782 articles

  • Don't push your daughter into the Fire

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.}[Quran 66:6] Dear mother, Dear daughter, who will be a mother someday&hellip.. More

  • A message to unmarried Muslim sisters

    Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih bin ‘Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him, was asked the following question, “I am a twenty-nine year old woman and I have not yet married. Would you please tell me about a certain Soorah (chapter of the Qur'aan) or a certain supplication that would prevent me from becoming preoccupied about the future and.. More

  • Amat Al-Ghafoor bint Ishaaq Al-Dihlawi

    One example of a great Muhaddithah (scholar of Hadeeth), a non-Arab, of the 13th Century. ‘Non-Arab’ is outlined because many feel that these great women were great only because they were lucky to have Arabic as their mother-tongue and ancestry was from the Arabs. On the contrary, many of our great scholars, even from among the men, the.. More

  • ‘Aa’ishah bint Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq

    She was Umm ‘Abdullaah, ‘Aa’ishah bint Abu Bakr ibn Abu Quhaafah. Her mother was Umm Roomaan bint ‘Aamir ibn ‘Uwaymir Al-Kinaaniyyah. ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, was born into a Muslim family four or five years after the beginning of the Prophethood of Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. When.. More

  • Understanding the responsibility towards children

    Undoubtedly children are a source of great joy and delight; they make life sweet, bring more provision into a family's life and give hope. A mother sees her children as a source of hope, consolation and joy in life, and as hope for the future. All of these hopes rest on the good upbringing of the children and giving them a sound preparation for life,.. More

  • The duty of a cultured woman towards herself and her home

    Our society is in need of reform and all powers should collectively cooperate in this process of reform. The desired reform can never be achieved by the state alone, the individual alone, men alone, women alone, the home alone, the school alone or the system alone. All these institutions and individuals must cooperate in establishing the foundations.. More

  • Miscarriage: Coping with Loss

    Coping: physically and spiritually If a woman undergoes a miscarriage, it is important that doctors conduct tests of the couple or of the miscarriage tissue to detect the cause of the miscarriage in order to prevent it. Doctors usually check for genetic problems and infections and may conduct blood tests to detect dormant diseases, blood disorders.. More

  • Using Pills to Delay the Monthly Period

    Question: I would like to go and perform ‘Umrah at the end of Ramadan. However, this will coincide with my monthly period, which usually lasts for 10 days. Can I take some pills to delay my monthly period? Do these pills have any side-effects? What pills can you recommend for this purpose? Would consuming these pills hinder me from having children.. More

  • Three pieces of advice to the Muslim home

    First, there is a huge conspiracy that is being plotted against the Muslim home that aims at ruining and undermining its vital role in the Muslim nation. The enemies of Islam, including the Jews and the Christians, realize the critical role of the Muslim home and have therefore targeted the Muslim woman, trying to get her out of her home and drive her.. More

  • Abandonment - II

    Abandoning the Disobedient and Heretical Innovators Abandoning the disobedient and disbelieving innovators is required at all times unless they repent and return to the truth. Whoever reveres an innovator in religion would thereby be contributing to the destruction of the religion. When a man of those who denied the divine decree entered a place where.. More

  • Abandonment - I

    The Muslim society is a harmonious one where love and unity prevail. The Sharee‘ah encourages everything that strengthens the spirit of brotherhood among members of this society and prohibits anything that may negatively affect this spirit. One of the negative morals that has been prohibited by Sharee‘ah is abandonment. The Meaning of Abandonment.. More

  • How Advisable is Marriage Between Relatives?

    Marriage is a means of establishing new relationships, and expanding the sphere of connections within the community. However, marriage between relatives does not contribute to establishing new relationships as is the case in marriage to non-relatives. So, it is better for a Muslim woman to marry a non-relative if there is a potential husband who possesses.. More

  • Is it Difficult to Abide by Islamic teachings?

    This is a very important and pressing question. What is this mysterious illusion that prevents many Muslim women from abiding by the teachings of Islam and repenting of all apparent and hidden sins and fully adhering to the Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? Dear sister, let us talk about this issue generally... More

  • Leave a Trace

    Many people pass by in this life and then move away and became among the bygones. Among those, the footprints of some have completely disappeared and if you try to follow them, you would find nothing. This is because they did not walk on a definite path, for they had neither purpose nor aim. However, the footprints of others are still prominent and.. More

  • Maryam, the Mother of Jesus

    As Muslims, we respect, honor and hold in high esteem Maryam, may Allah exalt her mention, the daughter of Imraan who was a chaste virgin and is the best of the women of the world. The Muslims respect and love her for many reasons, among which are the following: • Allah Almighty praised her and described her as being pure and chaste; Allah Almighty.. More