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There are 782 articles

  • Our Children and the Battle of the Supermarket - II

    In the previous article, what did the child teach his mother? The mother learnt from her child that the means to have peace and quiet, and not to get involved in embarrassing situations is to execute the child's orders: i.e. to buy the box of candy. Thus, the child has established a new behavioral type, and it is on this basis that the relationship.. More

  • Our Children and the Battle of the Supermarket - I

    Every time four-year-old Khaalid goes to the supermarket with his mother, he asks for a box of candy, and his mother refuses right away. However, a few minutes later, he starts insisting on buying candy, and the mother persists in her refusal, saying to him, "No." At the mother's refusal of the child's request for the third time, Khaalid becomes.. More

  • Corruption afflicts everyone - I

    The righteous woman, who is married and has children, fulfils her duties in raising her children and looking after them by creating a happy atmosphere for the whole family. This makes the children physically, psychologically and culturally healthy in a way that keeps them adherent to the sound creed. Such children worship Allah The Almighty perfectly.. More

  • Corruption afflicts everyone – II

    Problems afflicting male relatives and other men The woman who does not adhere to the teachings of religion regarding Hijab and avoiding intermixing with men is a great danger for men. Hence, Islam is keen on keeping men away from women, except in marriage, because this intermixing and the impermissible exposure of adornment cause loss of honor, corruption.. More

  • What Do Scholars Say about Intermixing? - II

    • Shaykh Ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy upon him, answering the advocates of permissiveness and necessity of intermixing between the sexes: In answer to the Director of San‘aa’ University, Abdul-‘Azeez Al-Muqaalih, who wrote an article in As-Siyaasah newspaper in 24/7/1404 AH, calling for intermixing between the sexes in educational.. More

  • What Do Scholars Say about Intermixing? - I

    • Imam Ash-Shaafi‘i, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said in his book Al-Umm, "I do not like women to be buried with men in a single grave as long as there is no necessity. However, if this is necessary, then the man should be in front and the woman in the back along with a separator of dust between them." Imam Ash-Shaafi‘i,.. More

  • Asceticism is the Way to be Loved - II

    The Righteous Follow the Way of the Prophets The righteous follow the way of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as he was the model example. ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “All goodness is for those who are ascetic in this worldly life and those who incline to the Hereafter. They are those who took the land as.. More

  • Asceticism is the Way to be Loved - I

    Asceticism, or Zuhd, is to abandon the desire for something for the sake of something which is better, and to abandon the comfort of this world for the sake of that of the Hereafter. It also means that the heart should not desire anything that one does not possess. Knowing that this worldly life is temporary and will eventually come to an end helps.. More

  • Muslim Women in The Field of Medicine - III

    Based on the texts of Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation), the hopes that we attach to our sisters who work in the medical field (including doctors, nurses, social workers and officials), include the following: • Good intention: This is not confined to this field, but it is required from every Muslim man and woman, because it turns one’s.. More

  • O Parents! You Cannot Build Without a Model - II

    Dr. ‘Ali Hassoon spoke about the upbringing of Sultan Muhammad Al-Faatih saying, Since his succession to the throne of the Ottoman Empire in 855 A.H. (1451 CE), he was looking forward to the conquest of Constantinople and thinking about it. He was raised by scholars who instilled love for Islam in him and taught him how to adhere to the Quran.. More

  • O Parents! You Cannot Build Without a Model - I

    Dear educator, you cannot build without a model as your child imitates you and follows your steps literally. Hence, when we speak about building faith, we have to speak about a faith-boosting example first. Likewise, when we speak about building the child’s morals, first we have to speak about the moral role model. When we speak about sacrificing.. More

  • Tranquility: A characteristic of the Prophets and the righteous – II

    Tranquility is a characteristic of the Prophets - Tranquility was a characteristic of Ibraaheem (Abraham), may Allah exalt his mention, in his confrontation with his father, his people and An-Namrooth (Nimrod) the tyrant. Tranquility was also his characteristic when he left his wife Haajar, may Allah be pleased with her, and his only son Ismaa‘eel.. More

  • Tranquility: A characteristic of the Prophets and the righteous - I

    Tranquility fills the heart with assurance, wraps the body in submissiveness and dignity, and makes the tongue utter all that is right and wise. This was the condition of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, when he began declaring the truth and conveying the call of Tawheed (Islamic monotheism) to those whose hearts were covered with the.. More

  • The Dayyooth is deprived of Paradise

    The purified Sharee‘ah of Islam encourages good manners and forbids bad ones owing to the harm that affects individuals and societies when bad manners prevail. The Islamic Sharee‘ah came to guard the purity of progenies and to protect people's honor against anything that would soil or transgress them. Therefore, it sets the severest.. More

  • Excessive Ambitions in this Worldly Life - II

    The Righteous Predecessors Warned Against Excessive Ambition in this World The righteous predecessors, may Allah have mercy upon them, understood the reality of this world and their hearts became attached to the Hereafter. Therefore, they advised their successors not to incline towards this worldly life and not to turn away from the Hereafter. ‘Ali,.. More