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There are 782 articles

  • Brilliant Examples from the History of Muslim Women

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): · {O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him].} [Quran 3:102] · {O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys.. More

  • Advice for Muslim Mothers on Raising Children

    Dear Muslim sister, Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh Raising children is a weighty responsibility and a sublime art that is not perfected by all parents despite its importance and necessity. It seriously affects the children's direction and the formation of their personality. Consequently, it affects their future and their role.. More

  • Understanding the Issue of Male Guardianship

    #{But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them.}## [Quran 4:34] The issue of man being in charge of the woman in his house is extremely important within the context of the marital relationship and it has been extensively discussed. It has also been besmirched by those who misunderstand the true teachings of religion through their erroneous.. More

  • Push Your Husband Towards Success

    It is said that behind every great man there is a great woman. Have you ever thought of being that great woman who makes a great man of her husband? Many women wish to do so, but only a few of them endeavor to fulfill that precious wish in a practical way. In the following lines, we shall try to help you and your husband on to the way of success. We.. More

  • Attending the 'Eed Prayers

    Islam has honored women and made her equal with men with regards to obligatory acts of worship. One example that manifests this equality, is that women are encouraged (as are men) to attend public gatherings on ‘Eed Al-Fitr and ‘Eed Al-Adh-ha, so that they may take part in these blessed occasions. This is demonstrated in a number of.. More

  • The Benefits of Purposeful Socializing

    A Muslim woman should not say, “What do I have to do with people? I leave them alone and I do not interfere in their private affairs.” We are required to do take an interest in the well-being of our fellow Muslims in permissible worldly matters, even though a part of the perfection of one's Islam is his leaving that which does not concern.. More

  • Everything in the Universe tends to be Covered

    Allah The Almighty safeguarded the Earth with the atmosphere before women lived on it wearing Hijab (Islamic covering). The Earth with its atmosphere; all types of living cells; and all parts of the plants ranging from seeds to fruits – are all covered. A caterpillar starts its life in a cocoon; the skin covers the organs; a corpse is shrouded.. More

  • Freedom according to Advocates of Women’s Liberation

    The mistaken concept of "freedom" that arose as a result of being fed on the resentment and revolution against the corrupt social system that ruled European society, resulted in the emergence of the concept of "personal freedom" which is raised by those who call for women's liberation in Islamic countries. They believe freedom to.. More

  • Hidden Power in the Pure Disposition - II

    See how the pure disposition was a strong reason for the guidance of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, may Allah be pleased with him. Also, look at ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas‘ood, may Allah be pleased with him, whose pure disposition prevented him from giving the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, some of the milk entrusted to him. He told the Prophet,.. More

  • Hidden Power in the Pure Disposition – I

    We face a huge challenge when we bring up our children, that is, we are not alone in bringing them up but the whole society contributes to the process. Television, school, friends and the internet are all contributing to the upbringing process, particularly after the globe has become like a small village after the gigantic development in mass media.. More

  • Rulings on Divorce - IV

    Thihaar It is that a man says to his wife, "You are (unlawful) for me as is my mother." According to many scholars, the same is valid if the mention of the mother is replaced with the mention of anyone of his Mahrams (non-marriageable women) like his sister or daughter. Islam prohibits Thihaar. It makes a man’s wife unlawful for him,.. More

  • Rulings on Divorce - III

    Separation by court It is a permissible matter in order to enable the woman to terminate her marital relationship that she could not terminate by herself, because she does not have the right of divorce. Separation by the court is of two kinds: 1- Separation which is considered as divorce and it is considered an irrevocable divorce. There are many.. More

  • What Ails Women who Act like Men? - II

    • Mass media and blind imitation: People imitate and internalize what is depicted on television through serials and movies. Such media spreads misleading and deviated ideas that tempt women and encourage them to rebel against religion and sound principles and to reject the guardianship of men, and ask for their "freedom". They also.. More

  • What Ails Women who Act like Men? - I

    We all know that women are protected jewels and are distinguished from men by their softness and gentleness. Islam elevated the status of women and made them equal to men with regard to many rights and duties. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Women are peers to men.” However, unfortunately many women do not consider.. More

  • An Urgent Message to My Muslim Sisters in Ramadan

    Women and Taraaweeh Prayer: Ramadan is distinguished over other months by the Taraaweeh prayer. Praise be to Allah The Almighty, many women and girls are keen to perform Taraaweeh prayer in the mosques. However, dear sister, if you want to have your full reward, you should observe the following points and advise your daughters and sisters to observe.. More