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There are 782 articles

  • If You Have a Child, Be a Child With Him

    My friend said to me, I was pregnant with my first child. One day, my husband and I went on a picnic. In the park that we went to, we saw a man kneeling and playing with his child who was still crawling. My husband criticized the action of this father, and it seemed as if he pitied him for being criticized by other people who were visiting the garden.. More

  • Breastfeeding is Beneficial for Mothers too

    Researchers at the scientific research center of the Douglas Hospital of Canada, which is linked to McGill University, conducted a study on the responses of 25 breastfeeding mothers and another 25 bottle-feeding mothers, who have one or more children. The mothers were exposed to different stressful situations either emotional, such as watching saddening.. More

  • Maids & Baby-Sitters - A Domestic Time Bomb - II

    Feelings of Motherhood Dr. Al-‘Aarif Billaah Muhammad Hasan, Professor of Psychology at ‘Ain Shams University, says, In principle, the children’s upbringing depends on the mother because her role in taking care of the child exceeds the material care that is represented in feeding and dressing and providing him with the basic needs... More

  • Helping Our Girls Adjust Post Marriage

    Is it possible for a girl who is pampered by her mother, who considers her the apple of her eye, to be a successful wife? Could she bear the responsibility of taking care of a husband and family? This question is for every mother who is not keen on gradually and methodically teaching her daughter basic household skills, which later causes her marriage.. More

  • When Innocence Is Killed

    I was shocked to see a five-year-old girl approaching me sporting a top that bared her stomach and midriff, a manicure and and elaborate makeup, with high-heeled shoes and a haircut like a dancer. I was shocked because I did not find my beautiful relative as I imagined her; she did not have a ribbon in her hair, or wear a simple but pretty brocaded.. More

  • Wives, Do Not Combine Two Faults!

    The unshed tears, the shaking voice and the chattering teeth were the answers of the wife to the inquiries of the civil servant who called her to ask about a commercial enterprise that was registered in her name as she inherited it from her father. The official pitied her and tried to calm her down. After she managed to regain her self-control, she.. More

  • How the Prophet Raised His Daughters

    The Dowry of the Daughters of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam The dowry is one of the wife’s rights. It has to be paid by a man to his wife. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And give the women [upon marriage] their [bridal] gifts graciously.} [Quran 4:4] The Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, teaches.. More

  • Stopping the cycle of disobedience

    First, parents need to make their intention for the sake of Allah and remind themselves that they are disciplining their children to help them do their Islamic duty towards their parents and their family. Teaching a child to listen is not just about establishing parental authority or showing the child who's boss, it is basically about helping them do.. More

  • The Wisdom of Breastfeeding for Two Years - A Scientific Perspective

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing [period]. Upon the father is the mothers' provision and their clothing according to what is acceptable. No person is charged with more than his capacity. No mother should be harmed through her child, and no father.. More

  • An Urgent Call from Europe for Separation of the Sexes in Schools

    It seems that the ethos that has prevailed in the West for decades which considered that all-girl schools are old-fashioned has recently begun to change. This is especially so after some people have become more convinced that the idea of the separation of the sexes in schools is not only good in and of itself, but that it also leads to better student.. More

  • Do Not Let Him Walk With You While He is Crying

    What would you do if your child irritates you while shopping and insists on having whatever he sees in the toy store? Once, at a store, my child stood in front of more than one toy. He pounded his feet on the floor so that I would buy it for him, but I refused. He insisted more, so I rebuked him and I took his hand and pulled him along to finish our.. More

  • Advice to women regarding marriage – I

    Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: “If a man whose religious commitment and moral conduct you approve of proposes for marriage to your daughter, then marry her to him; otherwise, trials will prevail and great corruption will spread upon the earth.” [At-Tirmithi &.. More

  • Advice to women regarding marriage – II

    What to do upon receiving a proposal: The young woman should pray Istikhaarah (i.e., the Prayer of Guidance) and not to ask others to pray it on her behalf, as some women do, as this is a baseless act and an innovation in the religion. Furthermore, she should seek the advice of trustworthy people and inquire about the person. Imaam Ahmad, may Allah.. More

  • Sex and the single Muslimah

    BY MICHELLE AL-NASR Okay folks, here it is. Let’s talk about what no one else wants to discuss. Single women and sex...yes, it’s the “S” word. And, I am sure we’ll get a little more graphic as we move right along in this article. I am about to be outright straightforward on this subject, so those with a weak stomach may.. More

  • Islam and polygamy -I

    Polygamy is defined in many dictionaries as: “Any person (male or female) may unconditionally marry unlimited number spouses at the same time." This means that a male or female may marry an unlimited number of spouses at the same time. In other cultures and faiths, a male may marry an unlimited number of wives at the same time, for any reason,.. More