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There are 782 articles

  • Excessive Phlegm While Fasting

    Question: During the daytime while I am fasting in Ramadan, I produce excessive phlegm, some of which I cannot expel, so it remains stuck in my throat. Is there a solution to this? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, respected sister. This could be a result of a problem in your respiratory system, such as a chronic infection that may be in your.. More

  • Vomiting when Breaking the Fast

    Question: I have no problem fasting. However, as soon as I break my fast and eat or drink anything, I feel uneasy and start vomiting. I have consulted many physicians and have taken different ulcer medications, but to no avail. What can I do? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, respected sister Salmin. You must consult an internal medicine doctor.. More

  • Gallstone Removal and the Ability to Fast

    Question: I have suffered from gallstones for twenty years and then had them removed a few months ago. Will I be able to fast like normal people? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, honorable sister. You have not mentioned in your question where exactly this gallstone was in your body so that we may properly answer you. However, regardless of where.. More

  • Sisters! Start stepping it up

    By: Michelle Al-Nasr Allah Almighty Says what means: “What comes to you of good is from Allah, but what comes to you of evil, is from yourself.” [Quran 4: 79] For some reason, women’s health is a topic rarely talked about in our communities. Sure, we talk about menstruation and pregnancy... However, we do not bear a lot of discussions.. More

  • Gases While Fasting

    Question: I suffer from excessive gas, and they increase when I fast. What could be the problem, and how do I treat it? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, Many different things could lead to the increase of gases. One of which is having irritable bowel syndrome, which is a common problem that is not due to a specific organic defect or malfunction... More

  • A Bad Odor from the Mouth While Fasting

    Question: Since last winter, I have gotten myself into the habit of fasting every Monday and Thursday, acting upon the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and I thank Allah for this great blessing. However, many people criticize me because of an extremely bad odor that emanates from my mouth whenever I fast, despite me brushing.. More

  • Tips on regaining body (and spirit) after motherhood

    By Nasiha Ahmed Few will dispute the blessings of motherhood. Those who are fortunate enough to actually spend some time at home with their children before returning to work will tell you that they loved witnessing the milestones - first smiles, first steps, first day of school. Those that did have to return to work at some point might share with you.. More

  • Normal Blood Sugar Levels While Fasting

    Question: Once while I was fasting, I had my blood sugar level checked and it was 120. Then I started to reduce my sweets and sugar consumption. A few months later I checked it regularly again for a while when I was fasting and two hours after breaking my fast. The results during the fasting periods ranged between 100-105, while after I ate they ranged.. More

  • Headache When Fasting

    Question: I constantly suffer from a headache, especially when I fast. What could be causing this? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum, There are many things that could be causing this constant headache. Migraine or stress could be causes of this. Secondary headaches result from organic problems, like sinuses, teeth problems, eye problems, high.. More

  • Umm As-Sa‘d … the loyalty of the pupils

    The Loyalty of the Pupils Regarding her pupils and their relationship with her, she remarked: "I remember each one of them: some I certified in one way of recitation, and others – and they are few and far between – I have conferred licenses in all ten styles. All of these accreditations are stamped with my own seal that I always keep.. More

  • Faatimah bint Al-Munthir ibn Al-Zubayr ibn Al-‘Awwaam, may Allah have mercy upon her

    Asmaa', may Allah be pleased with her, is a well-known figure in Islamic history; not only was she the daughter of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, and the sister of ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, but she was the obedient wife of the great companion Az-Zubayr ibn Al-‘Awwaam, may Allah be pleased with him. Her role.. More

  • Faatimah bint Muhammad ibn Ahmad, may Allah have mercy upon her

    We are now going to meet one of the greatest Faqeehah (woman-scholar of Islamic Jurisprudence) of her time. She was renowned for her grounded knowledge of Hanafi Jurisprudence and was no other than the daughter of the great scholar and jurist, Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Ahmad ‘Alaa’ Ad-Deen Al-Samarqandi, may Allah have mercy upon him, whose.. More

  • Al-Khansaa`

    Her name is Timaadhur bint 'Amr ibn Al-Haarith As-Sulaymiyyah, and her nickname was Umm 'Amr, and she was known as Al-Khansaa`, may Allah be pleased with her. Her Poetry: She, may Allah be pleased with her, was one of the most famous female poets among the Arabs, and the scholars of poetry consensually rated her to be the best female poet. All her.. More

  • Umm As-Sa‘d … a challenging life

    After Umm As-Sa‘d completed memorizing the Holy Quran at the age of fifteen, she went to the Sheikhah (female scholar) Nafeesah Bint Abul-‘Elaa, described as the most renowned Quran teacher of her time, to request her to teach her the ten styles of recitation. Sheikhah Nafeesah, however, set a bizarre precondition: Umm As-Sa’d was.. More

  • Improper dress for women and intermingling between sexes

    The greatest and most important of all the favors and blessings bestowed by Allah is Islam and the honorable Islamic law, which is derived from the Book of Allah and the Prophetic Sunnah. This Law has outlined all that which is beneficial for mankind in this life and the Hereafter. One of the virtues of this Law is that its rules and regulations have.. More