Working in a company which sells weapons to non-Muslim countries
Fatwa No: 103426


Assalaamu `laykum I work for a company that produces many products amongst them are halal products such as Security systems used in Makkah during Hajj, Train Ticketing systems in muslims and non muslims country, civillian air systems and air, land and navy weapons for muslim countries such as Saudi and Emirates and phone systems around the world It also makes Haram Product such as weapons for non-muslim countries such as America, Australia and France and satelites for non muslims countires. The work is split 50% civillian and 50% millitary. Is it permissible to work for this company provided my work is 100% only to do with Civiliian Air Traffic Systems (ie no millitary applications)? These systems are used in Muslim countries (recently finished a project for Riyadh and Jeddah, Embaba in Egypt and Algeria) and Non Muslim countries such as Taiwan, Singapore and Australia The company website is May Allaah reward you please help me by telling me if this work is allowed, Haraam, Makrooh or allowed.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


In principle working in the above-mentioned company is permissible whether it is civilian or military. Civil air systems, control systems, trains ticketing systems and mobile phone systems are all permissible.

Similarly, producing navy, land and air weapons is permissible; however, if these weapons are sold for countries which attack and wage war against people without right, then it is not permissible to work in producing and manufacturing these weapons.

Also, it is not permissible to produce and manufacture what one knows or predominantly thinks that it will be used illegally, but anything else other than this is permissible.

Therefore, you should know that working in civilian air systems is permissible. 

Allaah Knows best.

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