Her 5-year-old daughter steals, lies and has bad breath
Fatwa No: 122452


Salaam Alaikum,
I have a 5 year old daughter alhamdullilah... she has some symptoms if you could please help to diagnose her.
very bad breath in her mouth hunger lazy She also steals and lies too.
Jazak'Allah khair


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.


With regard to the bad breath of your daughter’s mouth, we advise you to consult the specialist doctors in this field as they may find a cure for her, because Allaah sent a cure for every disease.

It is confirmed that the Prophet said: “There is a cure for every disease, and if the medicine coincides with the illness, the person is cured, Allaah willing.”

In any case, we advise you to encourage her to use the Siwaak because it is purification for the mouth and a pleasure for the Lord as reported in the Sunnah. We also advise her to avoid the food that has a bad smell, like garlic and onions.

As regards stealing and lying, then there is no doubt that these are two serious matters, but it is easy to treat them by following these steps:

1-     Supplicating Allaah earnestly to guide her and rectify her; the prayer of a parent for his child is answered as reported in an authentic narration reported by Ibn Maajah .

2-     You should stress to her that Allaah is watching all the acts of His slaves and they are under complete supervision and that there is nothing that is hidden from Allaah whether it is small or big, as in the advice of Luqmaan (the Wise) to his son.

3-     You should show to her the excellence of truthfulness, honesty and preserving the rights of others, and some stories in this regard.

4-     You should remind her about the seriousness of lying and stealing and tell her some stories in this regard.

For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 91461, 87009 and 83178.

Allaah Knows best.

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