Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Regarding the paternity of a child, if someone's mother remarried when he was 3-4, and he was raised by her later husband, how should he answer when asked about his father? Is he allowed to use his "adoptive" father's name in family contexts to not embarrass him or to show gratitude, or should he always.. More
I have married at 2nd after I divorced a man In my 2nd marriage he have a son I cannot lookafter him but I said I will look after him before the marriage What can I do.. More
Assalamu alaykum,I am writing to inquire about changing my name. My current name does not have a surname, so I would like to change my given name to either Zafir or Zarrar, and my surname to either Al-Saif or Al-Ghazi.Could you please tell me what Zarrar means? And are Al-Saif and Al-Ghazi valid surnames?Thank you for your time and consideration.
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I named my son MUHAMMAD ARHAM. But people are confusing me to change his name. Because arham means most mercifull, Most merciful is allah only. Should i change my son name? If incase i change my son name to MUHAMMAD ARQAM, I have to cofirm before i changed to muhammad arqam is correct or not? and then i want to know exact meaning of both names and is.. More
Assalamualiakum. Recently I have blessed with a baby girl Alhamdulillah. I named her "Afna Ayamin" Is the name "Ayamin" an Islamic name or not? JazakAllah khairan.
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Why did Prophet(SAW) asked people to slaughter 1 goat for girl and 2 goats for babyboys for Aqeeqah? what is the reason to this differenciation?
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Assalamualaikum! My parents named me 'Meem'. Which is an Arabic letter and doesn't have any meaning. But in Hibrew, it means sea of bitterness. Do I need to change my name?
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My parents gave me the first name "Wahid." My parents also gave me the middle name "Hannaan." Are these haram names for me to have and be called by, and do I need to change my name as well as my legal documents because of it? I know that Al-Wahid is one of the Names of Allah, and some say that Al-Hannan or Al-Hanan is a Name of Allah as well, so I want.. More
ASSLAM ALAIKUM I Want to know that can i name by baby girl name zimal i found on internet that its meaning is hijab, abaya or cover kindly let me guide about this name.
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I know a female who is divorced and has a daughter. She is a non mahram to me. She was adopted by a family and the father of the family has passed away. She went through an abusive marriage and after divorce she is not able to meet her financial needs. She has a daughter and the mother who adopted her. Can I help this female financially? As I know the.. More
I want to remain unmarried, go abroad for long term higher studies on my own,and when I return to my homeland, I want to teach at a university and have two baby girls through adoption. I have not yet had any relationships outside the Islamic boundary and always try my best to abide by the laws of Islam. Is there any obligation to have this lifestyle?
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