Her husband tampers with the accounts of the company he works for
Fatwa No: 200965


my husband work in compny.manager (also partner)ask my husband that his partner dont give him share so he asked my husband when he make statement(weekly)he right expense for company.but that money take the manager.and some time he give some money my husband. now my question is NO 1.is this money is halal for my husband.NO2;if it is haram then what shall i do . i aske my hasband this is wrong but he dont agree.he think he is right.NO 3;is there any kafara for that money which we (me and my kids)eat.NO4 ;in this condition can i live with him or leave my husband.i have six children.pls gide me iam very thankful to u.jazak allah o khair.


All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.

This arrangement which your husband made with this partner to take what he claims to be his right, is not permissible. What he takes is ill-gotten and evil earnings. Your husband is entrusted with this company's weekly account, and it is not permissible for him to betray that trust or to record false expenses and the like.

Hence, your husband must repent to Allaah for what he has previously done and he must not repeat it. He should also return any money that was taken this way and put it back into the company’s account.

As for yourself, you should continue to advise him sincerely, direct him to the right path as much as you can, and do so with gentleness and kind admonition. Do this until he responds positively and stops sinning. There is nothing wrong, however, with you accepting his spending on you and your children, since his money is a mixture of Halaal (lawful) and Haraam (unlawful); and it is permissible to deal with such a person. For more benefit, please refer to Fataawa 91257 and 87680.

Allaah Knows best.

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