No need to remove small blood clots that form on wounds for Wudhoo'
Fatwa No: 249235


I want to know that if a part of my body is cut and the blood is clotted by Blood Platilates over it and then underneath that small amount of clot my skin is healed completely by the course of time,do i have to remove that clot by scratching or wait until it falls all by itself?Also i think u r not familiar with this phenomena. if skin hairs curl up and become like dots and get stuck to the skin in such a way that these prevent water from reaching small areas of skin underneath these is my wudoo and ghusl valid or do i have to find and scratch these?


All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

It is not obligatory to remove the blood clots that form on the wounds as they have become part of the body; rather, it is enough to wash them with water. Also, it is not obligatory to remove any of the hair in order to make water reach the skin underneath it, but if a person knows that part of his body was not reached by water, then he should rub his hair and make the water reach that part. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 126745.

We fear that you are affected by some sort of Waswaas (obsessive whispers), so we warn you against them and call upon you to fight them and ignore them completely because getting carried away with them leads to great evil.

Allaah Knows best.

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