Giving non-Muslim mother part of inheritance from father
Fatwa No: 347989


I will inherit money from my late father in Egypt next year, when I become twenty-one years old. My mother is Christian, can I give her some of the inheritance. I do not speak Arabic. Will I require a lawyer to help with paper work? Many thanks. Omar


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. 

It is permissible for you to donate part of your inheritance from your father to your Christian mother, and there is no harm on you in appointing a lawyer to submit the required paperwork.

Asmaa’ bint Abi Bakr, may Allah be pleased with her, reported, “My mother came to me during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah and she was an idol-worshiper. So I asked the Messenger of Allah ‘My mother has come to me, and she desires to receive a gift from me; shall I keep good relations with her?’ He said, ‘Yes, keep good relations with your mother.’” [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]

An-Nawawi said, “This hadeeth is evidence of the permissibility of keeping ties with a polytheist relative.

There is no doubt that being kind and dutiful to the mother is one of the greatest acts of worship. Among the best acts of kindness and dutifulness to your mother is to strive to call her to Islam and introduce her to it and encourage her to embrace it.

Allah knows best.

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