An Adulterer Marrying A Religious Girl
Fatwa No: 81574


Is it ok for a man who committed adultery to marry a religious girl who is still a virgin? These two people love each other. And is it ok for the girl to refuse any guy who proposes marriage while she is waiting for her lover who will marry her (INSHAALLAH)?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

The first half of this question was answered in Fatwa 83573.

As for the second half, it is lawful for the girl to refuse such offers. But this should not go for a long time. We advise her, then, to look for a man who is known to be righteous, religious and pious, and fears Allah and has good manners.

So, love shouldn’t be regarded as the most important factor for one’s choice. This is so, because a pious, religious man with high manners would not humiliate a woman. If he loves her, he will dignify her; otherwise, his religion and fear of Allah would not let him cause any harm to her. Love is subjected to decrease for some reasons. If the man does not have high manners, he might aggress his wife and cause humiliation to her. Prophet Muhammad said: “If a man whose religion and moral conduct are pleasing to you proposes to you, then give him your daughter in marriage; if you do not, then great mischief and corruption will spread on earth.” [At-Tirmithi and Ibn Maajah]

Allah knows best.

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