Feeling Hopeless
Fatwa No: 82211


Respected Sir, ASSALAMALKM
Please reply to me, I have tried to be a real Muslim. But for two years I have suffered like anything, have lost my business, I believe, to earn HALAL income. I am religious and against breaking the Islamic law in every path of life. I have 3 children one eighteen years old and two daughters, 14 year and 10 years. I have a few chances to establish myself but not according to ISLAM, only for this world. I always think of the life after death. I am praying for long time, ALLAH BREAK MY DIFFICULTIES, but now I feel hopeless; I know this is a sin to think like this. Please guide me.


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Dear brother, may Allah bless you and us and lead us all to what pleases Him. May Allah grant us the satisfaction that He Alone is our Lord, Muhammad is our Messenger, and Islam is our religion. May Allah protect you and us from all kinds of hidden and apparent temptations.

You should know that all matters are in the Hands of Allah, and they happen according to His Predestination and Decree; no one could change His Predestination and there is no adjuster of His Decision (Judgments).

Whoever believes in Allah and submits himself to His Predestination and Decree, he will be guided to the right path and will be successful in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. Whoever follows another way, he only harms himself and could not harm Allah nor change His Predestination in any manner.

Besides, Allah tests His slaves according to the strength of their religion and according to their position in the sight of Allah. The Prophet was asked about the people who are most afflicted and he replied: “Those who face the toughest trials and hardships are the Prophets, then those who are like them (i.e. in terms of faith) and then those who are like them; a person is tested according to the strength of his faith, so if his religion is firm, he is greatly afflicted and if his religion is soft, he is least affected, and a person continues to be afflicted until he walks on earth without a sin (i.e. all his sins are wiped out from him due to the affliction which he is subjected to)”. [Al-Bukhari]

Therefore, you should be pleased with the Predestination and Decree of Allah and you should know that whatever has befallen you, could not have missed you; and that whatever has missed you, could not have befallen you.

You should sincerely worship Allah at times of ease and at times of hardship, and you should be patient; this is indeed the matter of a believer. The Prophet said: “How strange is the matter of a believer, there is good in all his affairs, and this is only for the believer. If something good happens to him and he is grateful, then this is good for him, and if a calamity befalls him and he is patient, then this is also good for him.” [Muslim]

Hence, you should not only think about the trials you are facing as there are many blessings that Allah has poured on you and many trials that He kept away from you without your knowledge. You should look at the one who is at a worse level than you and not look at the one who is better than you otherwise you may despise the blessings of Allah on you as narrated in a sound Hadeeth. Also, do not wish to get ill-gotten earnings even if they are easily obtained because the devil beautifies it for you especially with your present situation. Allah is Tayyib (which implies pure) and he only accepts that which is pure.

You should expect that Allah makes a way out for you soon as without doubt relief comes after grief, and easiness comes after hardship. Indeed, sometimes the days come at one’s favor and sometimes they come at his disadvantage.

A person who is blessed with good health in his body and has good faith in his heart does not lose anything.

Therefore, you should review the past techniques of your business and seek advice of the people whom you trust in regard to their experience and ideas and Allah will lead you to what is better for you, Allah willing.

Allah knows best.

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