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Assalam alaikum ,I heard that Allah takes the soul of His good slave early if He loves and wants to see him such as the one who recites surah rahman too much .is this true or is there anything similar to this ?jazak allah khair
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is it incorrect to think negatively of the word "In Shaa' Allah" (Allah willing) when something does not happen? I so far have seen that when I say "In Shaa' Allah" to do something, in the end, I do not do it. A very few times, when I say it, it does actually take place. When I do not say it, it sometimes does happen. Please shred.. More
Assalaamou'alaikoum. Two years ago, I made a lot of duahs for Allah to grant me a job which is halal and easy, and Alhamdulillah my duahs were answered and I was offered a job overseas which satisfies all my criteria. I made Istikhara and all signs indicate that I take the job. But then, I started having doubts because I would be leaving my current.. More
The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that Allaah Is more Merciful than a mother is to her child. However, there is a verse in the Noble Quran that says (what means): {Indeed, Allaah Does not Forgive association with Him, but He Forgives what is less than that for whom He Wills.} No mother can torture her child forever. First.. More
Someone says that Allaah The Almighty has created Fate but that He cannot control it. He gives the example of two cars that are about to enter a tunnel that is only wide enough for one car. He says that we expect an accident to occur there almost every five minutes, however, we can do nothing about it, and the same applies to Allaah The Almighty... More
I am a 21 year old girl. I have a strong desire for getting married, and this has had a negative effect on my psychological state. What should I do?
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I have a daughter who, since birth, has suffered from a disease which is not serious but cannot be cured. I always supplicate Allaah The Almighty to cure her. However, sometimes when her condition worsens, I lose patience and say, “O My Lord, why all this suffering?” and I say other things that I hope Allaah The Almighty forgives me for. Is this.. More
I named my daughter after my sister who died in an accident. However, since her birth, my child is always sick. Is there any relation between her name and her condition?
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I was unjustly fired from my job. As a result, I became depressed to the extent that I did improper things, like pulling my hair out with my own hands, as a result of how greatly wronged I felt. I would like to know what I should do.
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What should we say to those who use destiny as a pretext for committing sins and claim that Allaah The Almighty did not will to guide them?
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I failed in the baccalaureate exams and this caused me a great deal of grief. One night after I had been crying my eyes out, I saw a man with light on his face looking at me. What is the interpretation of this?.. More
Assalamualaikum ... Does death of loved one considered a punishment or calamity because of my ignorance towards Allah's instructions and committing sins?.. More
Sometimes I fear the future despite the fact that I have a good profession. How should I tackle such feelings? .. More
There are numerous Hadeeths of our Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) that tell us that the hardships a Muslim faces in this life help him to gain more rewards in the after-life or decrease his punishment in the after-life.My questions are:1. If the hardship that a person suffers is entirely his own fault (for example: driving carelessly and then having a severe.. More
We are unfortunate people who lost a huge sum of money because someone cheated us. The problem is we cannot forget it, and we always feel very depressed. We pray hard but still feel very miserable. Someone told us to take it as fated,meaning good and badare from Allah. Ifwe always lament on why this must happen, then Allah may give us something.. More
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